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Total Pages: 12
    image   Conversation - Đàm thoại thành ngữ thực dụng nhất
    #333: Get Up The Nerve, A Lot Of Nerve   (5938)
    #334: A Bundle of Nerves, To Get On One's Nerves   (6000)
    #335: Pain in the neck, Break your neck   (5026)
    # 336: Stick My Neck Out; Neck of the Woods   (4916)
    #337: Whipping boy, Crack the whip   (4783)
    #338: Have a field day, Field a team   (5125)
    LESSON 339: Play the field, Out in left field, Out in right field   (8970)
    #340: Fit to be tied, Fit to kill, By fits and starts   (4856)
    #341: Fool's errand, Foolproof, Fooling around, Nobody's fool   (5142)
    #342: Fly by the seat of your pants, Nosedive, Bail out   (4993)
    #343: Cabin fever, Snowball, Snowed under, Out of the woods   (5792)
    #344: Wear one's heart on one's sleeve, The way to a man's heart, Open one's heart, Heart to heart talk   (7974)
    #345: Pull up your socks, Sock away, The shoe is on the other foot, On a shoestring   (5461)
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