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Total Pages: 12
    image   Conversation - Đàm thoại thành ngữ thực dụng nhất
    #91: To put your house in order, To clean house.   (6101)
    #92: To lock horns with, To pull in your horns.   (5355)
    #93: To take the bull by the horns, To blow your own horn.   (5284)
    #94: In the chips, Bargaining chip.   (5079)
    #95 : When the chips are down, Toc chip in, To cash in your chips.   (5228)
    #96 A chip off the old block, A chip on your shoulder   (5139)
    #97: To shoot your wad, To shoot yourself in the foot.   (5494)
    #98: Wild card, Drawing card.   (5261)
    #99: In the cards, To play your cards right.   (5369)
    #100 : Lion's share, To have a tiger by the tail.   (5588)
    #101:Loaded For Bear, 600-Pound Gorilla   (5371)
    #102 To Lose Your Cool, To Go Ballistic, To Go Zonkers, To Blow A Fuse   (5616)
    #103 : Pink Slip, Get The Boot, The Heave-Ho, To Downsize.   (5458)
    #104: To Kiss Off, To Kiss Goodbye To.   (5859)
    #105: Kissing Cousin, The Kiss Of Death.   (5695)
    #106 : To Kiss Up To, To Kiss The Dust.   (6189)
    #107: Fair Shake, Shake Down.   (5300)
    #108 No Great Shakes, Shake A Leg.   (5425)
    #109 : Nothing To Sneeze At, Nothing To Write Home About.   (5212)
    #110: Sweet Nothings, Here Goes Nothing, Nothing Doing, and Nothing Flat   (5881)
    #111: Dig Up Dirt On, Dish The Dirt, Sweep Dirt Under The Rug, Dirt Cheap.   (6682)
    #112 : Inside Track, Fast Track, Track Record.   (7294)
    #113: Side Track, One Track Mind, The Wrong Side Of The Of The Tracks.   (5092)
    #114: Steal Someone's Thunder, Steal The Spotlight, Steal The Show.   (5359)
    #115: Powder Puff, Powder Keg.   (7286)
    LESSON#116: Take A Power, Keep Your Powder Dry.   (5121)
    LESSON#117:To Make Both Ends Meet, To Play Both Ends Against The Middle.   (5147)
    LESSON#118: To Hold Up Your End, To Get The Short End Of The Stick.   (5867)
    LESSON#119:High Off The Hog, Go Whole Hog.   (5513)
    LESSON#120: To Go Hog Wild, Hog Heaven.   (5404)
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