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Total Pages: 12
    image   Conversation - Đàm thoại thành ngữ thực dụng nhất
    #243: Butterfingers, All thumbs, Two left feet.   (5189)
    #244: Bad hair day, Day in court, That will be the day.   (7521)
    #245: Salad days, Order of the day, The time of day.   (5407)
    #246: As different as night and day, Dead of night, Night owl.   (4903)
    #247: Give the eye to, Give the once over, Size up.   (5187)
    #248: Wear thin, Spread too thin, Through thick and thin.   (5850)
    #249: Lay it on thick, Thick, and fast, Thick as thieves.   (5896)
    #250: Fair shake, Fair enough, Fair game.   (7377)
    #251: On easy street, Riding on the gravy train, Life of riley.   (5374)
    #252: Dirty work, Dirty tricks, Down and dirty.   (5195)
    #253: Bait and switch, Strictly from hunger, Like gangbusters.   (5177)
    #254: Heads up, Face time, Think outside the box.   (5431)
    #255: Run of the mill, No great shakes, Nothing to write home about.   (5226)
    #256: Go-to guy, Take no prisoners, Don't shoot the messenger.   (4947)
    #257- Unpleasant People: Soreheads, Fussbudgets, Nitpickers   (5190)
    #258: Sleep like a log, Sleep on it, Not sleep a wink.   (7785)
    #259: Cool your heels, Drag your heels, Kick up your heels.   (9122)
    #260: Lose your cool, Hopping mad, Fit to be tied.   (4962)
    #261: Hot under the collar, Flip your wig, Raise the roof.   (5913)
    #262: Butterflies in my stomach, Turn your stomach, Eyes bigger than your stomach.   (12518)
    #263: Old chestnut, Old college try, Comfortable as an old shoe.   (4956)
    #264: Sock away, Sock in, Knock your socks off.   (5170)
    #265: Stick your neck out, Stick in your craw, Stick to your ribs.   (6532)
    #266: Stick around, Stick up for, Stick to your guns.   (4949)
    #267: Odds and ends, Knick-knack, Bric-a-brac.   (5514)
    #268: Soft soap, Soft pedal, Soft touch.   (5505)
    #269: Hard and fast, Play hardball, Hard act to follow.   (4844)
    #270: Hard sell, Hard hat, A hard row to hoe.   (4824)
    #271: Happy event, Happy medium, Happy talk.   (4989)
    #272: Feel your oats, Corn-fed, Full of beans.   (5119)
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Total Pages: 12

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