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Total Pages: 12
    image   Conversation - Đàm thoại thành ngữ thực dụng nhất
    #31: Nail down, Another nail in your coffin, Hard as nails, Hit the nail on the head.   (8139)
    #32: Hacker, Geek, Snail mail.   (6283)
    #33: Talking heads, Sound bites, Stake out.   (5904)
    #34: No dice, No great shakes, No picnic.   (6394)
    #35: No laughing matter, No spring chicken, No win situation.   (6690)
    #36: Hand in glove, Hand down, Hand to mouth.   (6483)
    #37: Back number, His number is up, Hot number.   (5813)
    #38: Go to pot, Sweeten the pot, Pot shot.   (6068)
    #39: Chew the fat, Fat chance, Fat farm.   (5772)
    #40: Pan out, Panhandle, Out of the frying pan and into the fire.   (5811)
    #41: Dress down, Dress up, Dress to kill.   (7791)
    #42: Rain check, Rain maker, Rainy day.   (6440)
    #43 Horse Laugh, Laugh Out of Court, Have the Last Laugh   (5788)
    #44: Just for laughs, Laugh up your sleeve, Laugh out of the other side of your mouth.   (6205)
    #45: Call the tune, Tune in, Tune out.   (7573)
    #46: Change your tune, Out of tune, Dance to another tune.   (5805)
    # 47: Lay All Your Cards on the Table, Under the Table, Turn the Tables.   (6324)
    #48: Top dog, Rule the roost, Wear the pants.   (6949)
    #49: To be your high horse, To beat a dead horse, Dark horse.   (5615)
    #50: Horse of a different color, Horse and buggy days, Hold your horses.   (5404)
    #51: To be walking on air, In seventh heaven, A fool’s paradise.   (5673)
    #52: To shoot from the hip, To stick to your guns, A shot in the dark.   (5265)
    # 53 Sitting Pretty, Rolling In Clover, Happy As A Clam.   (5596)
    #54: Top gun, Off the top of my head, Blow your top.   (5475)
    #55: Let your hair down, Get in your hair, Hairy.   (7242)
    #56: Shipshape, To run a tight ship, To jump ship.   (5664)
    #57: To rock the boat, To hold water, To be left high and dry.   (6109)
    #58: To be all at sea, Loose cannon, To square away.   (5613)
    #59: Peaches and cream, Sour grapes, To drive someone bananas.   (6762)
    #60: From top to bottom, Rock bottom, The bottom line.   (6953)
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