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Dynamic english 84 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 84

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động, New Dynamic English, bài 84; Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Bài học hôm nay bắt đầu bằng mẩu đàm thoại ở phòng mạch bác sĩ, sau đó trong phần Man on the Street, Ken Moss phỏng vấn một nhân viên an ninh ở đài kỷ niệm tổng thống Abraham Lincoln.
Phần đầu một bà nói với bác sĩ về chỗ đau ở đầu gối. A woman talks to her doctor about a pain in her knee.
Where does it hurt?=Đau ở đâu?
It hurts right here=đau ở ngay chỗ này.
It hurts when I walk=tôi thấy đau khi bước đi.

Cut 1

Daily Dialogue: At the Doctor’s Office. Part 2.

Larry: Daily Dialogue: At the Doctor’s Office (Part 2)
A woman talks to her doctor about a pain in her knee.
Larry: Listen to the conversation.

Doctor (male): Good morning, Natalie. (short pause)
Natalie: Good morning, Doctor. (short pause)
Doctor: How are you today? (short pause)
Natalie: Just fine, thanks. (short pause)
Doctor: So what’s the problem? (short pause)
Natalie: My leg hurts. (short pause)
Doctor: Where does it hurt?(short pause)
Natalie: Right here. In my knee. (short pause)
Doctor: Does it hurt when you walk? (short pause)
Natalie: Yes, it does. It hurts when I walk. (short pause)
Larry: Listen and repeat.

Doctor: Where does it hurt? (pause for repeat)
Natalie: Right here. In my knee. (pause for repeat)
Doctor: Does it hurt when you walk? (pause for repeat)
Natalie: Yes, it does. It hurts when I walk. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần Man on the Street, Ken Moss phỏng vấn một nhân viên an-ninh ở đài kỷ niện Abraham Lincoln. Ken talks with a security guard at the Lincoln Memorial. The guard shows Ken how to turn on the lights=người nhân viên an-ninh chỉ cho Ken cách bật đèn lên.
Turn on the lights=bật đèn lên.
Turn off the lights=tắt đèn đi.
Statue=bức tượng.
Control panel=bàn kiểm soát có các nút bấm.
To control=kiểm soát.
Button=nút bấm.
It’s time to turn on the lights=tới giờ bật đèn.
When I push this button, the outside lights go on=khi tôi ấn nút này, đèn bên ngoài bật sáng.
Knob=nút vặn.
When I turn the knob this way, the lights get stronger=khi tôi vặn nút cách này, đèn sáng rõ thêm.
Take your time=cứ nhẩn nha, đừng gấp.

Cut 2

Man on the Street: Security Guard at Lincoln Memorial

Larry: Man on the Street


Chinese: Kent talks with the security guard at the Lincoln Memorial soft crowd noise
Kent: This is the New Dynamic English Man on the Street, Kent Moss. Today I’m standing inside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Kent: Excuse me, sir?
Guard: Yes.
Kent: Do you work here?
Guard: Yes, I do. I’m the security guard. I work here every night.
Kent: What do you do?
Guard: Mostly I help visitors and answer questions about the Lincoln Memorial.
Kent: I think the Lincoln Memorial is the most beautiful building in Washington.
Guard: Many people think so.
Kent: Especially at night, when the lights are on.
Guard: Well, it’s seven o’clock now. It’s time to turn on the lights. Do you want to see?
Kent: I sure do.
Guard: OK. Here’s the control panel. When I push this button, the outside lights go on. See?
Kent: Yes. What happens when you turn this knob?
Guard: This knob controls the lights on the statue of Abraham Lincoln. When I turn the knob this way, the lights get stronger. When I turn it the other way, the lights get weaker.
Kent: Oh, the building looks so beautiful when the lights are on!
Guard: I think so too. Please take your time and look around.
Kent: Thank you.
Guard: You’re welcome.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần Câu chuyện giữa bài, Story Interlude, Max và Kathy nói về bóng chày baseball.
A fan=người hâm mộ.
I’m a big fan of the Yankees=tôi là khán giả hâm mộ đội banh chày Yankees (New York).
A team=đội. There’s a baseball game today on the radio=hôm nay có trận đấu bóng chày baseball trên đài phát thanh.
Who’s playing?=đội banh nào đấu?
I hope they win=tôi hy vọng họ thắng.

Cut 3

Story Interlude

Max and Kathy talk about baseball. There’s a game between New York and Baltimore on the radio today.
Larry: A-a-a-nd we’re off the air. That’s it.
Max ' Kathy: Thanks. Thanks, Larry.
Kathy: Max, do you like baseball? There’s a baseball game today on the radio.
Max: Well, I’m not a baseball fan. But my son John loves baseball. Who’s playing?
Kathy: It’s two of my favorite teams... New York and Baltimore.
Eliz: Did somebody say baseball?
Kathy: Hi, Elizabeth! Yes, we are talking about the baseball game today.
Eliz: That’s right.
It’s New York against Baltimore.
I love baseball.
I’m a big fan.
Max: Which team do you like, Elizabeth?
Eliz: I like Baltimore.
Kathy: Well, I’m from New York. So I like the New York team best. I hope they win.
Eliz: Well, I think Baltimore is going to win! They have the best team! Well, let’s listen to the game after the show, OK?
Kathy: Sounds good!
Eliz: Oh. It’s time to begin my show.
Kathy: OK. Good luck.
Larry: Quiet please. Ready for Functioning in Business. Cue Music...

Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần Anh Ngữ Thương Mại trung cấp về tập tục kinh doanh và văn hoá Mỹ, Functioning in Business, quí vị nghe phần “Ở Nhà Hàng, phần 2-At the Restaurant, part 2”. Ms. Graham talks about her concerns about doing business with Mr. Blake’s company=bà Graham nói về những mối quan tâm về việc giao-thương với công ty của ông Blake.
She’s specially concerned about aftersales service=bà đặc biệt quan tâm đến dịch vụ sau khi giao hàng.
Make a good impression=gây được cảm tình tốt.
The quality of his robots is very high=phẩm chất của người máy điện tử của ông ta rất cao.
But I was concerned about what could happen after we bought the robots=nhưng tôi lo những gì có thể xảy ra sau khi chúng ta đã mua máy điện tử.
Mechanical=thuộc về máy móc.
Mechanical problems=trục trặc về máy móc.
Install=thiết-bị, đặït hệ thống, ráp máy.
Plant=xưởng máy.
What if there were mechanical problems after the robots were installed in our plant?=Thế nhỡ có trục trặc máy móc sau khi máy điện tử đã được ráp thì sao?
So you were primarily concerned about aftersales service?=Vậy là bà quan tâm chính về dịch vụ sau khi giao hàng phải không?
Primarily=quan trọng nhất, chính.
Support=hỗ trợ.

Cut 4 

FIB Opening

Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!
Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture. Today’s unit “At the Restaurant, Part 2.”
This program focuses on Confirming Understanding. [hỏi lại cho chắc là đã hiểu rõ] Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture.


Interview: Shirley Graham

Larry: Interview She is especially concerned about aftersales service.
Eliz: On today’s program I’ll be talking with Shirley Graham. Ms. Graham is in her office at Advanced Technologies in San Jose, California.
Eliz: Hello, Ms. Graham.
Graham: Hello, Elizabeth.
Eliz: You said last time that Mr. Blake made a good first impression. Graham: Yes, he did. Eliz: Then why were you concerned about doing business with him? Graham: Well, I knew that the quality of his robots was very high. But I also was concerned about what could happen after we bought the robots. What if there were mechanical problems after the robots were installed in our plant?
Eliz: Why were you concerned?
Graham: Well, Mr. Blake’s company is based in China. How could they give us the kind of aftersales service we need?
Eliz: So you were primarily concerned about aftersales service?
Graham: That’s right. About service and support. Mr. Blake couldn’t do it all by himself.
Eliz: OK. Now let’s listen to the beginning of your discussions with Mr. Blake.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, bà Graham bàn về những điều bà quan tâm với ông Blake. Ms. Graham discusses her concerns with Mr. Blake. [This scene takes place in a restaurant. Chuyện này xẩy ra ở một tiệm ăn.]
Aggressive=tích cực, mạnh, bold and active, đây là ý tốt của tĩnh từ aggressive. [Aggressive còn có nghĩa là hung hăng, hùng hổ, nhưng không phải là nghĩa trong bài học.]
We plan to be very aggressive selling them in North America=chúng tôi dự tính sẽ tích cực bán người máy điện tử ở Bắc Mỹ.
Well engineered=được chế tạo rất kỹ lưỡng.
There’s no doubt=không có gì nghi ngờ là…Your robots are very competitive=máy điện tử của ông tốt và giá vừa phải.
To compete=cạnh tranh; competitive=(adj.) có thể cạnh tranh với đối thủ khác. Xin nghe họ bàn trong phần bữa ăn trưa, lunch meeting.

Cut 5

Dialog: Lunch meeting

Larry: Dialog
Ms. Graham discusses her concerns with Mr. Blake
Larry: This scene takes place at a restaurant.
Graham: Well, we were very impressed by your presentation, Mr. Blake. Your robots are very competitive.
Blake: I’m glad you think so, Ms. Graham. We plan to be very aggressive selling them in North America.
Graham: I’m sure you’ll be very successful. However, that brings me to my main concern.
Blake: Yes?
Graham: There’s no doubt that your robots are well-engineered. And the price is quite low, very reasonable. But it’s the other details that worry me.
Blake: You mean about service and support?
Graham: Exactly. Aftersales service and support are very important too.

Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần variations sắp tới, quí vị tập nói những câu cùng diễn tả một ý.

Cut 6

Language Focus: Listen and Repeat: Variations

Larry: Variations. Listen to these variations.
Eliz: I’m glad you think so.
Larry: I’m happy to hear that. (pause)
Eliz: We plan to be very aggressive selling them.
Larry: We plan to sell them very aggressively. (pause)
Eliz: There’s no doubt that your robots are well-engineered.
Larry: I agree that your robots are well-engineered. (pause)
Eliz: You mean about service and support?
Larry: Are you referring to service and support? (pause)

Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần cuối bài học bà Shirley Graham nghi ngờ về khả năng cung cấp dịch vụ sau khi giao hàng. Have doubts about=nghi ngờ về chuyện gì.
Operation=điều hành.
After the plant began operation=sau khi xưởng máy chạy rồi.
Construction=xây dựng.
Plant=xưởng máy.

Cut 7

Interview: Shirley Graham

Larry: Interview
Eliz: So you had doubts about Mr. Blake’s ability to provide aftersales support and service.
Graham: I wasn’t sure if his company could provide those services. I was responsible for both the construction and the operation of the new plant. I didn’t want things to go wrong, either before or after the plant began operation.
Eliz: I see. Thank you very much for being on our show.
Graham: It’s been my pleasure.
Eliz: Let’s take a short break.
Vietnamese Explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài 84 trong Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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