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Dynamic english 83 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 83

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Đây là Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh-Động New Dynamic English, bài 83; Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là I’m a Fashion Model - tôi là người mẫu thời trang. Bài học hôm nay chú trọng về mô tả hình dáng. This lesson focuses on physical description.
Bài này cũng phân biệt cách dùng giữa hai từ “very” (rất, lắm) và “too” (quá).
Mấy chữ mới: a fashion model=người mẫu thời trang.
She’s very busy=cô ấy bận lắm.
I’m glad she’s not too busy to be on our show=tôi mừng là cô ấy không quáù bận đến mực không thể xuất hiện trên chương trình của chúng ta. [too busy to=bận quá không thể…].
Hãy nghe Kathy phỏng vấn Jenny Chen, vợ ông Richard Chen, làm người mẫu.



Cut 1








Dynamic English is a basic English language course and an introduction to American people and culture.
Larry: Today’s unit is I’m A Fashion Model.





Kathy: Hi, Max.
Max: Hi, Kathy.
Who’s with us today?
Kathy: Today’s guest is Jenny Chen.
Max: Chen? Is she married to Richard Chen?
Kathy: Yes, she’s his wife.
Max: I’ll be happy to meet her.
And what’s our topic for today?
Kathy: Jenny’s going to talk to us about her work.
Max: What does she do?
Kathy: She’s a fashion model.
Max: A fashion model?
Kathy: Yes, she’s a fashion model and a mother. She’s very busy.
Max: I’m glad she’s not too busy to be on our show.
Kathy: I am too.


Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, Kathy phỏng vấn Jenny Chen.
Jenny Chen talks about her work as a fashion model=Jenny Chen nói về việc cô làm người mẫu thời trang.
A magazine=tạp chí.
A newspaper=nhật-báo.
Pictures=hình, ảnh.
A model=người mẫu.
To model=làm mẫu.
Do you like modeling?=Bạn có thích làm mẫu không?
I model clothes=tôi làm mẫu quần áo.
The pay is very good=lương rất khá.
Pay increase=pay raise=tăng lương.




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Interview: Jenny Chen


Larry: Interview
Jenny Chen talks about her work as a fashion model. Her pictures are in magazines and newspapers.
Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview.
Our guest today is Jenny Chen.
Hello, Jenny. It’s nice to meet you.
Jenny: It’s nice to meet you too, Kathy.
Max, it’s nice to meet you.
Max: A pleasure..
Kathy: You’re a model, aren’t you?
Jenny: That’s right.
Kathy: What kind of model are you?
Jenny: I’m a fashion model. I model clothes.
Kathy: Are your pictures in magazines?
Jenny:Yes, they are. In magazines and newspapers.
Kathy: Do you like modeling?
Jenny: Yes, I like it a lot. And the pay is very good.
Kathy: Do you travel a lot?
Jenny: Not very much. I don’t like to travel. I like to be with my family.
Kathy: You have a son, don’t you?
Jenny: Yes, I have one son.
He’s five years old. His name is Jason.
Kathy: OK. Thanks, Jenny. Our guest today is Jenny Chen. We’ll talk more after our break.
This is New Dynamic English.


Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe rồi lập lại. Để ý đến những câu hỏi láy lại, có phải không ở cuối câu.



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Language Focus. Repeat with a Beat.



Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: Jenny is a fashion model, isn’t she? (pause for repeat)
Max: Yes, she is. (pause for repeat)
Max: Her pictures are in magazines, aren’t they? (pause for repeat)
Max: Yes, they are. (pause for repeat)
Max: She likes modeling, doesn’t she? (pause for repeat)
Max: Yes, she does. (pause for repeat)
Max: She travels a lot, doesn’t she? (pause for repeat)
Max: No, she doesn’t. (pause for repeat)
Max: Her son is five years old, isn’t he? (pause for repeat)
Max: Yes, he is. (pause for repeat)
Max: Her son’s name is Richard, isn’t it? (pause for repeat)
Max: No, it isn’t. His name is Jason. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần phỏng vấn Jenny sắp tới, quí vị nghe những chữ mô tả hình dạng-physical appearance.
Jenny is tall but she’s not very thin.=cô Jenny cao nhưng không gầy lắm.
thin=gầy (ốm),
fat=mập, béo.
Many models are tall, but not all of them are=nhiều người mẫu cao, nhưng không phải tất cả người mẫu đều cao.
In my opinion, some models are too thin=theo ý tôi, vài người mẫu gầy quá. They look like toothpicks=họ gầy như que tăm.
Weight=(n) trọng-lượng, sức nặng.
Động tự: to weigh. I’m watching my weight=tôi phải ăn kiêng cho khỏi mập. How much does he weigh? Anh ta cân nặng bao nhiêu?






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Interview 2: Jenny Chen


Larry: Interview Jenny talks about her physical appearance.
Kathy: Our guest today is Jenny Chen. Jenny is a fashion model. Jenny, I see that you’re tall. Are most models tall?
Jenny: Well, many models are tall, but not all of them are tall. Some models are short.
Kathy: What about weight? Are most models thin?
Jenny: No. As you can see, I’m not very thin.
Kathy: But many models are thin, aren’t they?
Jenny: Of course, some models are very thin.
Kathy: In my opinion, some models are too thin.
Jenny: I agree. Some models are too thin. They look like toothpicks! [laughs]
Kathy: [laughs] Yes, that’s right, Jenny. Our guest today is Jenny Chen. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.







Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, Language Focus, quí vị nghe và lập lại, và phân biệt nghĩa của “very” (rất, lắm) và “too” (quá).




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Language Focus.




Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: Many models are tall. (pause for repeat)
Max: Many models are tall, but not all of them are tall. (pause for repeat)
Max: Some models are short. (pause for repeat)
Max: Many models are thin, aren’t they? (pause for repeat)
Max: Some models are very thin. (pause for repeat)
Max: Some models are too thin. (pause for repeat)








Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, quí vị phân biệt cách dùng very và too. When you model a dress, can you keep the dress? Khi cô làm mẫu một kiểu áo dài thì cô có được giữ chiếc áo đó không? Most of the time, the dresses are very expensive.
Phần lớn các áo dài rất đắt (mắc). They’re too expensive for me to buy=áo dài mắc quá tôi mua không nổi.



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Larry: Telephone.
Jenny talks about the clothes that she models.
Kathy: We’re back with Jenny Chen. Now let’s go to our phones. Hello. You’re on the air with New Dynamic English.
Female Caller: Hello. My name is Winifred. I’m calling from Phoenix, Arizona. My question is: When you model clothes, can you keep the clothes?
Jenny: No. Not usually. Most of the time, the clothes are usually very expensive. They’re too expensive for me to buy.
Female Caller: I see. Thank you.
Kathy: Thank you for calling.






Vietnamese Explanation


Hãy thực tập cách dùng trạng từ adverbs of degree, very và too. Nhận xét: nếu “too” đi theo sau bởi một tĩnh từ và động từ thì có nghĩa phủ định. The dress is too expensive for me to buy=cái áo đó đắt quá tôi không mua nổâi.
Too hot to work=nóng quá làm việc không được. [too+adjective+to+verb]. Some summer days are to hot to work=vài ngày hè nóng quá làm việc không được.



Cut 7



Language Focus. Listen and repeat.



Larry: Listen and repeat.

Max: expensive
Max: Some clothes are too expensive. (pause for repeat)
Max: They’re too expensive for Jenny to buy. (pause for repeat)
Max: thin
Max: Some models are too thin. (pause for repeat)
Max: They look like toothpicks! (pause for repeat)







Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần điện thư sắp tới, quí vị nghe thêm về mô tả diên mạo hình dáng (physical appearance).
Famous=nổi danh. She’s six feet tall=cô ấy cao sáu bộ Anh (gần 1.83 meters). [Nhận xét, tả chiều cao của người, dùng “tall,” chứ không dùng “high.”
Đo chiều dài bên Anh và Mỹ: One foot=0.3048 meter; 3 feet=one yard=0.9144 meter; one inch=0.0254m.]
Jenny nói về bạn cô là Inga, người mẫu nổi tiếng. What color hair does Inga have? Tóc Inga mầu gì? She has long blond hair=cô ấy có tóc dài mầu vàng. She has big blue eyes=cô ấy có mắt to mầu xanh. Xin nghe phần điện thư trước rồi nghe và trả lời.





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Larry: E-mail Jenny talks about her friend Inga. Inga is a famous model.
Kathy: Welcome back. It’s time to check our e-mail. We have an e-mail from Margaret in Atlanta, Georgia. Her question is: “Do you know Inga Wilson, the famous model?”
Jenny: Yes, I do. In fact, Inga and I are friends. I’m tall, but she’s very tall. She’s six feet tall.
Kathy: Really?
Jenny: Yes. And she has long blond hair. And big blue eyes. She’s very beautiful!
Max: I think you both are very beautiful!
Jenny: Thank you.
Kathy: Jenny, thank you for being on our show. Please say hello to your husband Richard.
Jenny: I’ll do that. Thanks for inviting me. Kathy: Let’s take a short break.


Language Focus. Listen and answer.
Larry: Listen and answer. Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: What color hair does Inga have? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Inga has blond hair. (short pause)
Max: Does she have long hair or short hair?(ding) (pause for answer)
Max: She has long hair. (short pause)
Max: Does she have green eyes? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: No. She has blue eyes. (short pause)




Vietnamese Explanation




Quí vị vừa học xong Chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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