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Dynamic english 85 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 85

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Đây là Chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English bài 85; Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí-vị thính giả. Trong bài trước, quí vị nghe bà Shirley Graham tỏû mối quan tâm về dịch vụ hỗ trợï sau khi giao hàng của hãng điện tử của ông Blake.
Bà nói: I wasn’t sure if his company could provide aftersales support and service. Trong phần đầu, quí vị nghe một câu hỏi, rồi nghe một mẩu đàm thoại có câu trả lời, rồi nghe lại câu hỏi và trả lời.



Cut 1



Language Focus: Questions Based on FIB Dialog
Larry: Questions. Listen to the question.
Eliz: Does Ms. Graham think that Mr. Blake’s robots are too expensive? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Graham: There’s no doubt that your robots are well-engineered. And the price is quite low, very reasonable.
Eliz: Does Ms. Graham think that Mr. Blake’s robots are too expensive? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: No, she doesn’t. She thinks the price of the robots is quite low. (short pause)
Larry: Listen to the question.
Eliz: What are her main concerns? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Graham: But it’s the other details that worry me.
Blake: You mean about service and support?
Graham: Exactly. Aftersales service and support are very important too.
Eliz: What are her main concerns? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: Her main concerns are aftersales service and support. (short pause)
Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần Mách giúp về văn hoá, Gary chỉ cách hỏi lại cho chắc điều mình hiểu trong một cuộc thương lượng về thương mại.
This culture tip deals with confirming understanding in a business negotiation. To confirm the information=hỏi lại cho biết chắc tin-tức là đúng.
To restate=nhắc lại, lập lại hay tóm tắt lại điều mình hiểu.
A negotiation=một cuộc thương lượng.
Negotiators=người thương lượng.
Động từ=to negotiate.
A proposal=một đề nghị;
động từ=to propose.




Cut 2



Culture Tips: Confirming Understanding



Larry: Culture Tips
Eliz: Welcome to “Culture Tips” with Gary Engleton.
Gary: Hello everyone!
Eliz: Today we have a question about negotiations.
The question is “When I’m negotiating with Americans, I’m not always sure that I understand their proposals.” “What should I do to be sure I understand?”
Gary: Good question. In negotiations, two people will sometimes think that they understand each other. Later, they discover that they didn’t really understand.
Eliz: What can they do to avoid that?
Gary: Well, good negotiators ask a lot of questions to check their understanding. And they often restate what the other person has said.
Eliz: Restate?
Gary: Yes. They say it again with different words. They confirm the information.
Eliz: Okay. So, let’s say someone wants to sell you a product. You think the price is $50, but you’re not sure. What can you say?
Gary: You can restate the idea and say, “ will sell them to us at $50 each. Is that right?” Or you can ask a direct question like “Do you mean you will sell them to us at $50 each?”
Eliz: And the other person will say something like “Yes, that’s right” or “No, that’s not right.”
Gary: Exactly. And then you know whether or not you’ve understood them correctly.
Eliz: Thanks, Gary, for the important information.
Gary: My pleasure.
Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần Language Focus sắp tới, quí vị nghe một câu rồi tùy nghĩa trong bài học, trả lời đúng hay sai, True or False.




Cut 3


Language Focus: True/False


Larry: True or False.
Larry: Listen. Is this statement true or false?
Eliz: In negotiations, sometimes people think they understand each other, but they really don’t understand. (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: True. This can cause big problems in negotiations. (pause)
Eliz: It is impolite to restate what the other person says. (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: False. Restating what the other person says is an excellent strategy for confirming understanding.(pause)
Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần kiểm chứng lại cho đúng, quí vị nghe đoạn Wallace thương-lượng về việc tăng lương cho người dưới quyền của ông ta với bà Margaret là xếp của ông. Wallace is negotiating pay increases for his subordinates with this boss. A pay increase= một sự tăng lương.
Động từ to increase nhấn mạnh vần thứ hai; danh từ an increase nhấn mạnh vần đầu. A subordinate=nhân viên dưới quyền.
A bonus=tiền thưởng.
Our profits are down from last year=lợi tức của chúng ta năm nay thấp hơn năm ngoái.
We can’t afford a pay increase=chúng ta không thể đủ khả năng tăng lương.
Top management=nhân viên quản trị cap cấp.
Permanent increase=tăng lương vĩnh viễn.



Cut 4


Business Dialog: Confirming Understanding


Larry: Business Dialog Wallace is negotiating pay increases for his subordinates with his boss Margaret.
I’m saying that top management is going to oppose any permanent increase in expenses.=Tôi muốn nói là nhân viên quản-trị cao cấp sẽ chống lại một sự tăng chi-tiêu vĩnh viễn.


Eliz: Let’s listen to today’s Business Dialog.
Wallace is negotiating pay increases for his subordinates with his boss Margaret.



Wallace: My team has worked really hard and they deserve a pay increase.
Margaret: I agree that they have worked hard, but our profits are down from last year. We can’t afford a pay increase.
Wallace:So are you saying that there isn’t enough money?
Margaret: I’m saying that top management is going to oppose any permanent increase in expenses.
Wallace: What if the expense were for this year only?
Margaret: You mean like a bonus that would be paid only once?
Wallace: Yes. In other words, a one-time-only bonus.
Margaret: That would be much more acceptable.





Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần confirming understanding, kiểm chứng lại để hiểu rõ, ta nghe những cách nhắc lại câu để kiểm chứng lại điều người khác nói hay nghĩ, như, So are you saying …You mean…In other words…Vậy điều bạn muốn nói là…bạn nói vậy là có ý muốn nói…Nói khác đi…




Cut 5




Focus on Functions: Confirming Understanding

Larry: Focus on Functions: Confirming Understanding
Eliz: Now let’s focus on Confirming Understanding.
Larry: Listen and Repeat.
Eliz: So...(pause for repeat)
Eliz: So are you saying that there isn’t enough money? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: You mean...(pause for repeat)
Eliz: You mean like a bonus? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I’m saying that... (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I’m saying that top management is going to oppose any increase. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: In other words... (pause for repeat)
Eliz: In other words, a one-time-only bonus. (pause for repeat)





Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần Mách giúp văn hoá, Gary chỉ cho ta cách hỏi lại cho hiểu rõ điều người khác nói. To restate or clarify your position or the other person’s position=nhắc lại hay làm sáng tỏ lập-trường của mình hay lập trường của người khác. [Do you mean…? So are you saying that…]



Cut 6
Gary’s Tips: Confirming Understanding

Larry: Gary’s Tips.
Gary talks about confirming understanding.







Eliz: Now it’s time for Gary’s Tips with Gary Engleton!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth! Today I’ll be talking about confirming understanding. In a business discussion or negotiation, it is often necessary to restate or clarify your position or the other person’s position.
This will help you confirm your understanding. Let’s look at some useful expressions from today’s Business Dialog.


Wallace: My team has worked really hard and they deserve a pay increase.
Margaret: I agree that they have worked hard, but our profits are down from last year. We can’t afford a pay increase.
Wallace: So are you saying that there isn’t enough money?
Gary: Wallace uses the expression “So you are saying...” to confirm his understanding. And Margaret then restates her idea more clearly, using the expression “I’m saying...”
Margaret: I’m saying that top management is going to oppose any permanent increase in expenses.


Gary: This conversation provides excellent examples of both people working hard to understand each other’s position. And as they talk, they begin to agree. When Wallace suggests a one-time only payment, Margaret confirms her understanding using the expression “You mean.”



Wallace: What if the expense were for this year only?
Margaret: You mean like a bonus that would be paid only once?
Wallace: Yes. In other words, a one-time-only bonus.
Margaret: That would be much more acceptable.



Gary: By confirming understanding and restating each other’s position, they reach some agreement.



Thanks for joining us today for Gary’s Tips. We’ll see you again next time!

Eliz: Thanks, Gary.





Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!






Vietnamese Explanation


Quí vị vừa học xong bài 85 trong Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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