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Dynamic english 74 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 74

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English bài 74. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong bài học này, quí vị sẽ gặp Ông Max và Cô Kathy là hai người phụ trách chương trình Anh ngữ Căn Bản nhằm giúp quí vị hiểu thêm về người Mỹ và văn hóa Mỹ.

Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là There Are Stars in the Sky - trên bầu trời có sao. Bài học hôm nay chú trọng vào những khoảng thời gian hay lúc trong ngày. This lesson focuses on times of day. Cũng ôn lại cách dùng hình thức tiệm tiến hiện tại - present progressive [tức là động từ chỉ việc đang xẩy ra, BE+verb+ing]. Action verbs=động tự chỉ những động tác như walk, go, drive, talk.

Chúng ta sẽ nghe chuyện Simon Tompkins, một nhà nhiếp ảnh có cuộc triển lãm ở Bảo Tàng Viện Nghệ Thuật Hoa Kỳ, the American Museum of Art.

A photographer=nhiếp ảnh-gia; a photograph=bức hình, ảnh.
A show=cuộc triển lãm.
To describe= mô tả.
I see you have some photographs with you.=Tôi thấy ông có mang theo vài tấm hình.









Dynamic English is a basic English language course and an introduction to American people and culture.


Larry: Today’s unit is There Are Stars in the Sky. This lesson focuses on times of day. It reviews the present progressive form of action verbs.





Max: Hi, Kathy. How’s it going?
Kathy: Very well, thanks. And you?
Max: Oh, I’m just fine. Who’s our guest today?
Kathy: Today’s guest is Simon Tompkins. He’s a photographer. He has a show at the American Museum of Art.
Max: Really?

Kathy: Yes. He has some of his photographs with him.
Max: So we can describe them for our listeners.
Kathy: Right. That will be interesting.





Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần tới, ta nghe cuộc phỏng vấn ông Simon Tompkins, nhiếp ảnh gia có trưng bày tác phẩm ở Bảo tàng viện Nghệâ thuật Hoa Kỳ.
Simon Tompskins is a photographer=Simon Tompkins là một nhiếp ảnh gia.
He talks about his series of photographs: 24 hours on the Farm.=Ông nói về một loạt những bức hình có chủ đề: 24 giờ trên nông trại.
Morning=buổi sáng.
A series=một loạt; tương tự, a group, a number. Nhận xét: series hình thức số ít và số nhiều viết như nhau.
Afternoon=buổi chiều,
a farm=nông trại;
a farm animal=gia súc nuôi trong trại.
A chicken=gà.

The people are working in the field=người ta đang làm việc ngoài đồng.

The rooster is crowing! Gà đang gáy.
Rooster=gà trống;
hen=gà mái.
To crow= gáy (gà trống);
to cackle=cục tác (gà mái).
And the farm animals are waking up.=Và súc vật trong trại đang thức dậy.
In the yard, the chickens are looking for food.=trên sân, gà đang tìm thức ăn.
To pick= hái.
They’re picking tomatoes=họ đang hái cà chua.



Interview: Simon Tompkins

Larry: Interview
Kathy: Our guest today is Simon Tompkins. Good morning, Mr. Tompkins.
Simon: Simon. Call me Simon.
Kathy: I see you have some photographs with you, Simon. Can you tell us about them?

Simon: Certainly. These photographs are from my new series: Twenty Four Hours on the Farm. They show the farm at different times of the day. For example, here is a photo of a farm in early morning. It’s six a.m., the beginning of the day. The sun is very low in the sky. Through the window, we can see the farmer and his family.
Kathy: Right. They are eating breakfast.
Simon: And the farm animals are waking up.
Kathy: I see. In the yard, the chickens are looking for food. And the rooster is crowing!
Simon: Let’s look at another photo.
Kathy: What’s this one?
Simon: Can you guess?
Kathy: Well, the sun is high in the sky. The people are working in the field. What are they doing?
Simon: They’re picking tomatoes.
Kathy: Is it in the afternoon?
Simon: Yes, it is. It’s about two o’clock in the afternoon.
Kathy: It’s a nice picture, Simon. Thank you. Our guest is Simon Tompkins. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.




Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe và lập lại.
The sun is low in the sky.=mặt trời xuống thấp trên bầu trời.
The sun sets in the West=mặt trời lặn ở phương tây.
The sun is setting=mặt trời đang lặn.
The sun is high in the sky.=mạêt trời lên cao trên bầu trời.
The sun rises in the East=mặt trời mọc ở phương Đông.
The sun has risen=mặt trời đã mọc. [To rise/rose/risen].
Danh tự : sunrise=bình minh; sunset=hoàng hôn.





Language Focus. Listen with Music.

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: It’s morning.(pause for repeat)
Max: It’s six o’clock in the morning. (pause for repeat)
Max: The sun is low in the sky. (pause for repeat)
Max: The farmer is eating breakfast with his family. (pause for repeat)
Max: It’s afternoon. (pause for repeat)
Max: It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. (pause for repeat)
Max: The sun is high in the sky. (pause for repeat)
Max: The people are working in the field. (pause for repeat)




Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới Simon Tompkins nói về các bức hình ông ta chụp nông trại vào buổi chiều và buổi tối.
Evening=buổi chiều (khoảng 5 giờ trở đi).
Night=ban đêm
The moon=trăng
The sun is going down and the sky is beautiful=mặt trời đang xuống thấp và bầu trời đẹp.
There are stars in the sky and the house is dark.=trên bầu trời có sao và căn nhà trông tối.
Some of the workers are leaving=một số thợ đang từ ngoài đồng trở về trại.
Barn=chuồng, gian trại làm nơi chứa dụng cụ, thóc lúa và chuồng gia súc.
The animals are going back to the barn=súc vật đang về chuồng.
Everyone is asleep=mọi người đang ngủ.




Interview 2: Simon Tompkins

Larry: Interview
Kathy: We’re back with our guest Simon Tompkins. Mr. Tompkins is a photographer. We’re talking about photographs from his new series: Twenty-Four Hours on the Farm. What about this one? This is in the evening, isn’t it?
Simon: Yes. The sun is going down and the sky is beautiful. The animals are going back to the barn.
Simon: Some of the workers are leaving.
Kathy: I like this picture a lot.
Simon: Thank you.
Kathy: Let’s look at one more.
Simon: OK. In this one, everything is dark. There are stars in the sky and the house is dark. Everyone is asleep.
Kathy: Look. There’s the moon!
Simon: Yes, you can see the moon behind that tree. The moon is just coming up.
Kathy: Our guest is Simon Tompkins. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.





Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe và lậïp lại.



Language Focus. Listen with Music.

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: It’s evening.(pause for repeat)
Max: The sun goes down in the evening. (pause for repeat)
Max: People eat dinner in the evening. (pause for repeat)
Max: It’s night. (pause for repeat)
Max: There are stars in the sky at night. (pause for repeat)
Max: People go to sleep at night. (pause for repeat)




Vietnamse Explanation


Trong phần điện thư, Simon nói về những quãng thời gian trong ngày mà ông thích nhất.
His favorite time of day is early morning=ông thích nhất là sáng sớm.
What’s your favorite time of day? bạn thích lúc nào trong ngày nhất?
It’s quiet and you can hear the birds singing.=cảnh vật yên lặng và bạn có thể nghe thấy tiếng chim hót. Xin nghe điện thư.





Larry: E-mail
Kathy: Welcome back. We’re back with our guest, Simon Tompkins. It’s time to check our e-mail. We have an e-mail from Malcolm in Louisiana. His question is: What’s your favorite time of day?
Simon: My favorite time of day? That’s a good question. My favorite time of day is morning. Early morning.
Kathy: Why is that?
Simon: Mornings are very beautiful. It’s quiet and you can hear the birds singing. It’s a very special time of day for me.
Kathy: Simon, thank you for being on our show.
Simon: My pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Kathy: Let’s take a short break.



Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, xin nghe và trả lời.



Language Focus. Listen and answer.


Larry: Listen and answer. Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: The farmer is eating breakfast with his family. What time of day is it? (ding)(pause for answer)
Max: It’s morning.(short pause)
Max: There are stars in the sky and the houses are dark. What time of day is it? (ding)(pause for answer)
Max: It’s night.(short pause)
Max: The sun is going down and the sky is beautiful. What time of day is it? (ding)(pause for answer)
Max: It’s evening.(short pause)
Max: The sun is high in the sky. What time of day is it? (ding)(pause for answer)
Max: It’s afternoon.(short pause)





Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần tới, ta nghe lại đoạn Martha đánh thức George dậy đi dạo, nhưng George muốn ngủ thêm vì đó là chủ nhật.
An umbrella=ô, dù;
raincoat=áo đi mưa.
It’s raining and it’s cold outrside=trời đang mưa và bên ngoài lạnh.





Daily Dialogue: Part 2.


Larry: Daily Dialogue: In the Morning (Part 2)
Larry: Listen to the conversation.
Martha: Wake up, George.(short pause)
George: What is it?(short pause)
Martha: Let’s go for a walk.(short pause)
George: It’s too early!(short pause)
Martha: It’s 8:00! (short pause)
George: Yes, but it’s Sunday morning. I want to sleep! (short pause)

Martha: Oh, come on, George. Get up.(short pause)
George: But it’s raining!(short pause)
Martha: You can take an umbrella.(short pause)
George: But it’s cold outside!(short pause)
Martha: You can wear a raincoat.(short pause)
George: I want to sleep!(short pause)
Larry: Listen and repeat.


Chinese: Listen and repeat.


Martha: Oh, come on, George. Get up. (pause for repeat)
George: But it’s raining! (pause for repeat)
Martha: You can take an umbrella. (short pause)
George: But it’s cold outside! (pause for repeat)
Martha: You can wear a raincoat. (pause for repeat)
George: I want to sleep! (pause for repeat)






Vietnamese Explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài 74 trong Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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