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Dynamic english 73 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 73

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Ðây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English bài số 73. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Bài học hôm nay, trong phần Culture Tips, Gary chỉ cho ta cách trả lời khi được giới thiệu hay khi giới thiệu ai. This culture tip answers the question:” How can I introduce a colleague to an American?” Phần mách giúp này trả lời câu hỏi: “Tôi dùng những câu nào để giới thiệu bạn đồng nghiệp với một người Mỹ?”

Xin để ý đến những chữ mới:

I’d like you to meet...tôi muốn giới thiệu bạn với....
Colleague, co-worker=đồng nghiệp.
Harry just got back from Singapore=Harry vừa ở Tân Gia Ba về.
Business introductions=những cách giới thiệu trong môi trường thương mại.
Responsibility=trách nhiệm, nhiệm vụ. Số nhiều của responsibility là responsibilities.
A person’s name=tên người.
Business title=chức vụ nghề nghiệp. Thí dụ Bà Shirley Graham làm phó chủ tịch công ty tức là Vice President. Và ông Epstein giới thiệu bà với ông Blake như sau:”Mr. Blake, this is Shirley Graham, our Vice President.” Hay là: Mr. Blake, I’d like you to meet our Vice President, Shirley Graham.” [Nhớ là ta phải giới thiệu tên và chức vụ. You have to make sure that each person learns the other person’s name and business title.]
Standard language=ngôn ngữ tiêu chuẩn.
Standard=tiêu chuẩn, chính thức.
Valuable information=tin tức giá trị.
Small talk=chuyện mào đầu (như nói về thời tiết, hay kinh nghiệm. Thí dụ: Khi được giới thiệu với một người mới tới Washington, D.C, ta có thể hỏi: “How do you like the city? Bạn có thích thủ đô này không? Have you been to any museums? Bạn đã thăm bảo tàng viện nào chưa? Hay là Have you visited Mount Vernon? Bạn đã thăm Mount Vernon, tư dinh của tổng thống Washington chưa?)
To make small talk=chào hỏi mào đầu.
Comfortable=thoải mái, dễ chịu.


Tips: Business Introductions
Larry: Culture Tips
This Culture Tip answers the question: “How should I introduce a colleague to an American?” “Phải nói sao khi giới thiệu một đồng nghiệp với một người Mỹ?”
Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips”. We’re here with Gary Engleton.
Gary: Welcome, everybody!
Eliz: Today we’re going to talk about business introductions in American companies. The e-mail question is:”How should I introduce a colleague to an American?”.
Gary: Well, just remember, you have two responsibilities. First, you have to make sure that each person learns the other person’s name and business title. That’s the easy part.
Eliz: Why is that the easy part?
Gary: Because you can use standard language like,”Harry, I’d like you to meet Sally.” “Sally is our Vice President of Marketing.”
Eliz: Saying “I’d like you to meet...” is pretty standard.
Gary: But after you’ve introduced the two people, you should try to help them continue the conversation.
Eliz: Because when two people meet for the first time, they may not know what to say to each other?
Gary: Yes, that’s exactly right. So you can add some information that will help them start talking. For example, you can say,”Harry just got back from Singapore.” Then Sally can say,”How was your trip?” or “How did you like Singapore?”
Eliz: So you help them to begin to make small talk?
Gary: Yes, exactly. Small talk makes everyone very comfortable.
Eliz: Thanks, again, Gary, for your valuable information!
Gary: I’m always glad to help.


Vietnamese Explanation

Bây giờ để kiểm điểm lại xem quí vị có nhớ những điểm chính của đoạn trên không, xin nghe phần True or False, Ðúng hay sai. Quí vị nghe một câu rồi trả lời True hay False khi nghe tiếng chuông.


Language Focus: True/False

Larry: True or False.
Larry: Listen. Is this statement true or false?
Eliz: “Sally, I’d like you to meet Harry” is standard language for introductions. (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: True. Another standard phrase is “Harry, this is Sally.” (pause)
Eliz: When business people meet for the first time, they should only talk about business. (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: False. When two people first meet, they often begin with small talk. (pause)
Eliz: When you introduce two people, you should help them find something to talk about. (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: True. You should help begin a topic like their trip or their experiences in the city.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, ta nghe ông chủ tịch hãng Intercon, Inc. giới thiệu một nhân viên mới với ông Harry, phó chủ tịch về thị trường (lo về bán sản phẩm). In this dialog, we’ll hear the president of Intercon, Inc. introducing a new employee to Harry, the Vice President of Marketing. [Inc. là viết tắt từ chữ Incorporated tổ hợp công ty].

I’d like to introduce you to Harry Abrams=tôi muốn giới thiệu cô với ông Harry Abrams. I’d like you to meet Mary Jenkins=tôi muốn giới thiệu ông với cô Mary Jenkins. We’d better move on=chúng tôi phải đi chỗ khác. [We’d viết tắt từ chữ We had trong nhóm chữ We had better=We should]. It was nice to meet you=hân hạnh gặp ông/bà/cô.

Office manager=quản đốc văn phòng.
Global=toàn cầu, quốc tế; tương tự, có chữ world wide.
Global Electronics=tên hãng sản xuất điện tử.
To mention=đề cập đến, nhắc đến.
To ski= trượt tuyết; skier=người trượt tuyết.
To go skiing=đi trượt tuyết.
Move on=đi chỗ khác, tiếp sang chuyện khác.
I’m sorry to interrupt you=tôi xin lỗi ngắt lời, hay làm gián đoạn công việc bạn đang làm.


Business Dialog: Introductions
Eliz: Let’s listen to today’s Business Dialog.

We’ll hear the president of Intercon, Inc. introducing new employee to Harry, the Vice President of Marketing. [Office noises =tiếng động trong văn phòng]

President: Now I’d like to introduce you to Hary Abrams. Harry is our Vice President of Marketing.
Knock on the door =gõ cửa
Harry: Yes. Come in.
President: Harry, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I’d like you to meet Mary Jenkins, our new Office Manager.
Harry: It’s nice to meet you, Mary.
Mary: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Abrams.
President: Mary was Office Manager at Global Electronics with your old friend Bob.
Harry: Oh really, how is Bob?
Mary: He’s doing very well. He’s a Vice President now.
Harry: I’m glad to hear it. (pause)
President: Mary, you mentioned that to like to ski. Well, Harry is an excellent skier!
Harry: I’d be glad to talk to you later about some good places to ski.
Mary: Sounds great!
President: Well, we’d better be moving on. We have a lot more introductions to make today.
Harry: It was nice to meet you.
Mary: Same here.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần Language Focus sắp tới, chúng ta học về mấy câu dùng khi giới thiệu như “I’d like you to meet....” và sau khi đã được giới thiệu ta dùng câu,”It’s nice to meet you,” hay “I’m pleased to meet you,” hay “Pleased to meet you.” Xin nghe và lập lại.


Focus on Function: Introductions

Larry: Focus on Functions: Introductions.
Eliz: Now let’s focus on Introductions.
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Eliz: I’d like to introduce you to Harry Abrams. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Harry is our Vice President of Marketing. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I ‘d like you to meet Mary Jenkins, our new Office Manager. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: It’s nice to meet you, Mary. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Abrams. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong đọan tới quí vị nghe Gary chỉ thêm về cách giới thiệu. Phân biệt cách dùng “It’s nice to meet you,” hân hạnh gặp bạn, dùng lần đầu. Và khi đã được giới thiệu rồi, và gặp lại thì nói,”It’s nice to see you.” Making introductions is more than giving a name and job title.= Giới thiệu không phải chỉ nói tên và chức vụ mà thôi.

You can also help people feel comfortable with each other through small talk.=Bạn cũng giúp cho họ cảm thấy dễ chịu (tự nhiên, thoải mái) bằng những câu hỏi thăm mào đầu.

Cũng nhận xét là khi gặp lần đầu, người Mỹ gọi người khác bằng họ người đó. Thí dụ: Sau khi được ông Epstein giới thiệu với ông Charles Blake, “Shirley, this is Charles Blake from International Robotics,” thì bà Shirley Graham trả lời,”It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Blake.” Và ông Charles Blake trả lời,”Pleased to meet you, Ms. Graham.” Ôn lại: khi giới thiệu ai, ta dùng một trong những câu sau đây:

“This is ...” hay “I’d like you to meet..,”hay “I’d like to introduce you to...” Và khi được giới thiệu lần đầu, ta có thể dùng:

“How do you do?”

“Pleased to meet you.” Hay: “It’s nice to meet you.”


Gary’s Tips: Introducing someone else.
Larry: Gary’s Tips


Eliz: Now it’s time for Gary’s Tips with Gary Engleton!

Gary: Hello, Elizabeth! Today I’ll be talking about how to make introductions. Sometimes you will need to introduce one of your business colleagues or co-workers to another. And sometimes you will be introduced to someone else. So it is very useful to know the expressions to use in these situations. Earlier, we listened as Mr. Epstein introduced Ms. Graham and Mr. Blake. He first introduced Ms. Graham to Mr. Blake, using the expression “This is...”
Epstein: This is our Vice President, Shirley Graham.
Gary: He introduces her by her title—Vice President—and by her full name—Shirley Graham. Then he introduces Mr. Blake to Ms. Graham. Again he uses the expression “This is...”
Epstein: Shirley, this is Charles Blake from International Robotics.
Gary: Mr. Epstein calls Ms. Graham by her first name, Shirley, because they work together and are comfortable using first names. Mr. Blake and Ms. Graham are meeting for the first time, so they use last names. They say “Mr. Blake” and “Ms. Graham.”
Graham: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Blake.
Blake: Pleased to meet you, Ms. Graham.(pause)
Gary: And in today’s Business Dialog, we learn some other expressions for making introductions. To begin the introduction, the President tells Mary the name and title of the company Vice President.

President: Now I’d like to introduce you to Harry Abrams. Harry is our Vice President of Marketing.

Gary: The expression “I’d like to introduce you to...” can be used when you introduce someone or before you introduce them.

Gary: Let’s listen again.

President: Now I’d like to introduce you to Harry Abrams. Harry is our Vice President of Marketing. [knock on the door-gõ cửa].
Harry: Yes. Come in.
President: Harry, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I’d like you to meet Mary Jenkins, our new Office Manager.

Gary: The company president uses the expression “I’d like you to meet...”
“I’d like you to meet...” and “I’d like to introduce you to...” are two common ways to make introductions.
Notice that Mary calls Harry Abrams “Mr. Abrams” because he is company Vice President.

Harry: It’s nice to meet you, Mary.

Mary: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Abrams.

Gary: They say “It’s nice to meet you” because they are meeting for the first time. When they see each other again, they will say “It’s nice to see you.” The President then gives some additional information about Mary.
President: Mary was Office Manager at Global Electronics with your old friemd Bob.
Harry: Oh really, how is Bob?
Mary: He’s doing very well. He’s a Vice President now.
Harry: I’m glad to hear it.

Gary: Making an introduction is more than giving a name and job title.
You can also help people feel comfortable with each other through small talk. I hope today’s tips were helpful! Thanks for joining us today for Gary’s Tips. We’ll see you again next time!
Eliz: Thanks Gary!


Vietnamese Explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài học 73 trong chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh động. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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