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Dynamic english 56 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 56

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English bài thứ 56. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong bài học này quí vị sẽ gặp ông Max và cô Kathy là hai người phụ trách chương trình Anh ngữ căn bản nhằm giúp quí vị hiểu thêm về người Mỹ và văn hóa Mỹ. Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là câu What time do you get up ?= Bạn ngủ dậy lúc mấy giờ? Bài học hôm nay chú trọng về thời biểu hàng ngày (daily schedules) tức là những chuyện thường làm trong ngày và vào giờ nào trong ngày (This lesson focuses on habitual actions and times of the day).

A daily schedule=thời biểu hàng ngày.
What time do you get up?= Bạn ngủ dậy lúc mấy giờ?
I get up at 6:45= tôi dậy lúc 6 giờ 45 sáng.
Eat breakfast=ăn sáng.
I work five days a week, Monday through Friday=tôi làm việc năm ngày mỗi tuần, từ thứ hai đến hết thứ sáu.
I don’t work on weekends=tôi không làm việc vào cuối tuần (thứ bảy và chủ nhật)
Leave home=ra khỏi nhà.



Larry: Today’s unit is What Time Do you Get Up? In this unit we will learn about daily schedules. This lesson focuses on habitual actions and times of day.


Kathy: How are you doing, Max?
Max: Fine. How are you?
Kathy: Good. I’m good.
Max: Who’s our guest today?
Kathy: Bob Harris is back with us today.
Max: And what are we going to talk about?
Kathy: We’re going to talk about his daily schedule.
Max: Good. OK!


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe đoạn phỏng vấn Bob Harris, nhân viên sở bưu điện về những việc thường nhật của ông.
Để ý đến hình thức ngôi thứ ba số ít của động từ; như talks, gets up; eats breakfast, gets to work; leaves work, reads newspapers. Cũng ôn lại về hình thức chủ hữu - possessives. Ôn lại: nhân viên bưu điện gọi là postal worker; “người đưa thư” mail carrier để chỉ chung người đưa thư nam hay nữ. Trưởng ty bưu điện gọi là postmaster (dù là đàn ông hay đàn bà), hay post office manager); tổng giám đốc bưu điện Mỹ gọi là Postmaster general.


Interview: Bob Harris: What time do you get up?

Larry: Interview.
Bob Harris talks about his daily schedule.
He gets up at 6:45 and he eats breakfast at 7:15.
Listen for the bell, then say your answer.

Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview. Our guest today is Bob Harris.
Bob is married and has two children. His wife’s name is Sandra. Welcome back, Bob. You work at the post office, right?
Bob: That’s right.
Kathy: Do you work every day?
Bob: I work five days a week: Monday through Friday. I don’t work on weekends.
Kathy: Let’s talk about your daily schedule, okay?
Bob: OK.
Kathy: What time do you get up?
Bob: Oh, I get up at...6:45..
Kathy: Do you usually eat breakfast?
Bob: Yes, I do. We eat breakfast at 7:15. We all eat breakfast together.
Kathy: When do you leave your house?
Bob: I leave at...oh, about 7:45.
Kathy: And when do you get to work?
Bob: I get to work at 8:45.
Kathy: Our guest today is Bob Harris. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English


Vietnamee Explanation

Trong phần sắp tới, Language Focus, quí vị nghe rồi lập lại theo nhịp.


Language Focus: Repeat with a Beat: When does he get up?
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: When does Bob get up? (pause for repeat)
Max: He gets up at 6:45. (pause for repeat)
Max: When does he eat breakfast? (pause for repeat)
Max: He eats breakfast at 7:15. (pause for repeat)
Max: When does he leave his house? (pause for repeat)
Max: He leaves his house at 7:45. (pause for repeat)
Max: When does he get to work? (pause for repeat)
Max: He gets to work at 8:45. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Kathy tiếp tục hỏi thêm về công việc hàng ngày của Bob Harris.

Newspaper=nhật báo, báo hàng ngày
Before=trước khi
After=sau khi.
After work=sau khi làm việc.
Watch the news=nghe tin tức trên vô tuyến truyền hình.
News(sing.)=tin tức.
After dinner, I usually read the newspaper=sau bữa tối, tôi thường đọc báo.
Stop working=ngưng làm việc.
Go shopping=đi mua đồ.


Kathy: Our guest today is Bob Harris. Bob works in the post office. Het gets to work at 8:45 in the morning.
Bob: And I start working at 9:00.
Kathy: What do you do after work?
Bob: Well, I stop working at 5:00 And I usually leave around 5:15.
Kathy: What do you do then?
Bob: Sometimes I go shopping after work...before I go home. I get home around 6:30 in the evening. We eat dinner around 7:00.
Kathy: And after dinner?
Bob: After dinner, I usually read the newspaper.
Kathy: You don’t read the newspaper in the morning...before you go to work?
Bob: No, I don’t. I don’t have time in the morning.
Kathy: What time do you usually go to bed?
Bob: I go to bed around 11:00, after I watch the news on TV.
Kathy: Thank you, Bob. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới Language Focus, quí vị nghe một câu, rồi nghe câu hỏi, và trả lời khi nghe tiếng chuông. Nhớ là câu trả lời nằm trong câu quí vị đã nghe lần đầu.


Language focus: Listen and answer. What time does he stop working?

Larry: Listen and answer. Listen for the bell, then say your answer.

Max: Bob leaves work at 5:15. (short pause)
Max: What time does he leave work? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: He leaves work at 5:15. (longer pause)
Max: He gets home around 6:30. (short pause)
Max: What time does he get home? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: He gets home around 6:30. (longer pause)

Max: He eats dinner around 7:00. (short pause)
Max: What time does he eat dinner? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: He eats dinner around 7:00. (longer pause)
Max: He goes to bed around 11:00. (short pause)
Max: What time does he go to bed? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: He goes to bed around 11:00. (longer pause)


Vietnamese Explanation

Tiếp theo đây là phần điện thư e-mail:

How do you get to work?= Bạn đi đến sở làm bằng phương tiện gì?
Bob Harris nói về phương-tiện ông dùng để tới sở làm.
I drive my car=tôi lái xe hơi của tôi.
How long does it take to get to work?= Lái xe tới sở mất bao lâu?
It takes about an hour=mất chừng một giờ.
Rush hour=giờ đông xe cộ.
Traffic=xe cộ [không có s]. Nhiều xe cộ thì nói a lot of traffic.

Sau phần đàm thoại giữa Kathy và Bob là phần nghe và lập lại.



Kathy: It’s time to check our e-mail. We have an e-mail from Martin in Toronto. His question is: How do you get to work?
Bob: I drive. I drive my car.
Kathy: How long does it take?
Bob: How long does it take me to get to work?
Kathy: Yes.
Bob: Oh, about an hour. It takes about an hour. I leave the house at 7:45 and I get to work at 8:45.
Kathy: An hour? That’s pretty long.
Bob: I know. It’s not far...but there’s usually a lot of traffic.
Kathy: I see. Rush hour. Thank you for being our guest today, Bob.
Bob: My pleasure.
Kathy: Let’s take a short break.


Language Focus. Repeat with Music: How does he get to work?
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: How does Bob get to work? (pause for repeat)
Max: He drives his car. (pause for repeat)
Max: How long does it take him to get to work? (pause for repeat)
Max: It takes about an hour. (pause for repeat)
Max: What time does he leave his house? (pause for repeat)
Max: He leaves his house at 7:45. (pause for repeat)
Max: What time does he get to work? (pause for repeat)
Max: He gets to work at 8:45. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Tiếp sau đây là phần Đàm thoại hàng ngày Daily Dialog: A Telephone Invitation, Part 2. Holly mời Sue đi xem phim. How about Saturday night? tối thứ bẩy được không? What time does it start? Phim bắt đầu lúc mấy giờ?


Larry: Daily Dialog: A Telephone Invitation (Part 2)
Holly calls Sue to invite her to go to the movies on Saturday night.
Larry: Listen to the conversation. [Tiếng điện thoại reo]
Sue: Hello? (short pause)
Holly: Hi, Sue. (short pause)
Sue: Oh, hi Holly. (short pause)
Holly: What are you doing this weekend? (short pause)
Sue: Not much. (short pause)
Holly: Would you like to go to a movie? (short pause)
Sue: A movie? Sure, I’d love to. (short pause)
Holly: Great! (short pause)
Holly: How about Saturday night? (short pause)
Sue: Yes, that’s fine. (short pause) Holly: There’s a good movie at the Plaza. (short pause)
Sue: What time does it start? (short pause)
Holly: I think it starts at 7:00. (short pause)
Sue: That’s good for me. (short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Holly: How about Saturday night? (pause for repeat)
Sue: Yes, that’s fine. (pause for repeat)
Holly: There’s a good movie at the Plaza. (pause for repeat)
Sue: What time does it start? (pause for repeat)
Holly: I think it starts at 7:00. (pause for repeat)
Sue: That’s good for me. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Tiếp theo quí vị nghe phần Man on the Street Ken Moss phỏng vấn một người nhân viên coi về canh gác một công hay tư sở (security guard) ở khu Georgetown trong Washington, D.C.

Sandwich=bánh mì mềm nhân thịt và phó mát.
On one’s way=trên đường.
On my way to work=trên đường tôi tới sở
On her way to work=trên đường cô ấy đến sở
On my way home=trên đường tôi về nhà
On his way home=trên đường ông ấy về nhà.
A piece of fruit=trái cây.
Georgetown is the oldest part of Washington=khu Georgetown là khu lâu đời nhất ở Hoa Thịnh Đốn.


Larry: Man on the Street.


A security guard talks about his daily schedule. He goes to work at 11 o’clock at night.
Kent: This is the Dynamic English Man on the Street, Kent Moss. Today I’m standing on Wisconsin Avenue in Georgetown. Georgetown is the oldest part of Washington, D.C. Excuse me, Sir?
Man: Yes.
Kent: Are you on your way to work?
Man: Well, actually, I’m on my way home.
Kent: But it’s eight o’clock in the morning!
Man: Yes. I work at night. I’m a security guard.
Kent: A security guard?
Man: That’s right. I go to work at 11:00 at night. And work until 7:00 in the morning. Then I eat breafast, and go home.
Kent: Then do you go to bed and sleep all day?
Man [laugh] Yes. I usually go to bed around ten or eleven in the morning.
Kent: When do you get up?
Man: I get up around the evening.
Then I eat another breakfast.
Kent: Really? You eat two breakfasts?
Man: Well, I like breakfast. I usually bring a sandwich to work. And maybe a piece of fruit. Sorry, but I have to go. It’s been nice talking with you.
Kent: Thank you.

Vietnamese Explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài 56 trong chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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