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Dynamic english 40 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 40

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English bài thứ 40. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong bài học hôm nay, trước hết, quí vị sẽ nghe một mẩu đàm thoại, sau đó sẽ nghe một câu hỏi và quí vị trả lời, căn cứ vào mẩu đàm thoại vừa nghe. Sau đó quí vị nghe cách xin giải quyết một chuyện khó khăn (vấn đề) ở khách sạn, và cuối cùng nghe cách xin giữ phòng và xin xác nhận tại khách sạn. Xin nghe mấy chữ khó:

Suite = phòng lớn tại khách sạn
Embassy Suites Hotel = tên khách sạn Embassy Suites Hotel
To confirm = xác nhận lại cho đúng
A confirmed reservation = giữ phòng trước và đã xác nhận
Reservation number = số giữ phòng trước
To handle a problem = cách giải quyết một chuyện khó
Xin nghe câu hỏi, rồi nghe mẩu đàm thoại rồi trả lời chỗ có tiếng chuông, sau đó lập lại câu trả lời đúng.


Larry: Questions. Listen to the question.
Eliz: Does Mr. Blake have a reservation at the Embassy Suites?
Larry: Now Liten to the dialog.
Receptionist: Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Embassy Suite Hotel. Can I help you?
Blake: Yes, my name is Blake, Charles Blake. I have a confirmed reservation.
Receptionist: Let’s see. Uh, here it is. 14689.
Eliz: Does Mr. Blake have a reservation at the Embassy Suites?(ding)(pause for answer)
Eliz: Yes, he has a confirmed reservation.(short pause)
Larry: Listen to the question.
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Receptionist: Yes, sir, we have your reservation right here. That’s for June 10th through the 13th, Monday through Thursday night. Is that correct, sir?
Blake: Yes, that’s fine.
Eliz: How many nights will Mr. Blake be staying at the Embassy Suites?(ding)(pause for answer)
Eliz: He will be staying four nights, Monday through Thursday.(short pause)



Trong phần tới quí vị nghe cách giải quyết một vấn đề rắc rối ở khách sạn - to handle a problem at a hotel. Xin nghe vài chữ khó trước.

A front desk = Quầy tiếp khách phiá trước, chỗ nhận khách ở khách sạn, cũng là chỗ hỏi thăm, ghi tên nhận phòng hay trả phòng.
A desk clerk = tiếp viên ở quầy tiếp khách phiá trước.
Full = không còn chỗ trống
Available = còn chỗ trống
Arrive at the hotel = tới khách-sạn
Find another place to stay = tìm khách sạn khác để ở tạm
To handle the problem = giải quyết chuyện rắc rối; tương tự Fix the problem; to solve the problem. Handle, fix, solve đều có nghĩa là giải quyết chuyện khó khăn
Solve is more formal = chính-thức hơn
Demand = đòi
Demand to speak to the manager = yêu cầu nói chuyện với người quản đốc
Don’t leave the front desk = đừng bỏ quầy trước mà đi
Persistent = kiên trì, khăng khăng đòi

Xin nghe phần mách giúp về văn hoá Culture Tips của Gary Engleton.


Larry: Culture Tips. This culture tip discusses how to handle a problem at a hotel. The clerk may may tell you the hotel is full.
Eliz: Hello, again. We’re here with Gary Engleton, our business expert. Let’s look at our e-mail, Gary.
Gary: All right.
[Tiếng lách-cách của bàn máy điện toán]
Eliz: We have an interesting question for you today, Gary
Gary: What is it?
Eliz: What do you do if you get to a hotel and there is a problem with your hotel reservation?
Gary: Well, first you have to understand exactly what the problem is. Ask the desk clerk at the front desk to explain the problem clearly
Eliz: Uh-huh
Gary: If you have made a mistake, they may not be able to help you
Eliz: Could you give us an example of that?
Gary: Sure. If you made a reservation for December 10th and you arrive at the hotel on December 9th, there may not be room available for you. The desk clerk may tell you the hotel is full. In that case, you may have to find another place to stay
Eliz: I see.
Gary: But if someone at the hotel made a mistake, then they have to fix the problem. For example, suppose you have a written confirmation of your reservation for December 9th and they tell you that they lost the reservation. Then you can demand that they solve the problem.
Eliz: What can you ask for?
Gary: You can ask them to find another room for you at another hotel.
Eliz: Really?
Gary: Yes, and they should pay for one night and pay for a taxi to take you there. If they won’t do that, you should demand to speak with the manager. If you are sure that they made the mistake, don’t leave the front desk. Stay there until they help you. Eliz: In other words, you have to be persistent!
Gary: That’s right.
Eliz: Thank you, Gary.
Gary: My pleasure.



Trong phần tiếp, quí vị nghe rồi lập lại, tập nói những câu vừa nghe trong phần trước, tập câu ngắn trước, câu dài sau.


Larry: Listen and repeat
Eliz: They may not be able to help you.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: If you have made a mistake, they may not be able to help you.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: The desk clerk may tell you the hotel is full.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: If you arrive a day early, the desk clerk may tell you the hotel is full.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: They have to fix the problem.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: If someone at the hotel made a mistake, then they have to fix the problem.(pause for repeat)



Đoạn sắp tới, quí vị cũng nghe rồi lập lại những câu trong mẩu đối thoại ở khách sạn. Quí vị sẽ nghe câu: I have you booked for tonight through Friday night. Tôi đã dành trước cho ông từ tối nay đến hết tối thứ sáu. Nhận xét “BOOKED” quá khứ phân từ của động từ BOOK = dành chỗ trước, như book a ticket, book a room.


Business dialog:At the Reservation Desk

Larry: Business Dialog
Larry: Listen to the conversation
Receptionist: May I help you?(short pause)
Fernandez: Yes, please. I have a reservation for tonight.(short pause)
Receptionist: And what’s your name?(short pause)
Fernandez: My name is Frank Fernandez.(short pause)
Receptionsit: Frank Fernandez.(short pause)
Receptionsit: Yes, I have you booked through Friday night.(short pause)
Receptionist: Is that correct?(short pause)
Fernandez: That’s right. I’m staying three nights.(short pause)
Receptionist: I see you requested a non-smoking room.(short pause)
Fernandez: Yes, that’s correct.(short pause)
Receptionist: OK. Here’s your key.(short pause)
Fernandez: Thank you.(short pause)



Trong phần tới Focus on Functions: Confirming information chú trọng về cách dùng chữ để xác nhận tin tức cho đúng. Một cách tốt là lập lại ý chính sau khi nghe để nếu sai thì người đối thoại có thể sửa cho biết, hay là khi nói xong, ta hỏi lại,”Is that correct?” hay vắn tắt, “Right?” cao giọng ở cuối câu.


Larry: Focus on Functions: Confirmingg information. I have you booked for tonight through Friday night.
Eliz: Now, let’s focus on the language function: confirming information.
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Eliz: I have you booked for tonight through Friday night.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Is that correct?(pause for repeat)
Larry: That’s right. I’m staying three nights.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: I see you requested a non-smoking room.(pause for repeat)
Larry: Yes, that correct, a non-smoking room.(pause for repeat)
Larry: What was the price for the room tonight?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: That room is a hundred twenty dollars a night.(pause for repeat)
Larry: One hundred twenty dollars a night.(pause for repeat)



Trong phần cuối bài học, quí vị nghe lời mách giúp của Gary Engleton cách hỏi lại cho đúng, Confirming information.


Larry: Gary’s tips.
This section focuses on the language used to confirm information. To confirm something means to check that it’s correct.
Eliz: Now it’s time for Gary’s Tips with Gary Engleton.
Gary: Hello there! It’s time for Gary’s Tips. Today’s Language Function is confirming information. What do you mean by confirming? To confirm something means to check that it’s correct. When you check in at a hotel, the desk clerk or receptionist will confirm how many nights you are staying.

Let’s listen again to the conversation between Mr. Blake and the hotel receptionist at the Embassy Suites. Listen for the phrase,”That’s for June 10th through June 13th.”

Receptionist: Mr. Blake. Yes. And the reservation number?
Blake: Let’s see. Uh, here it is. 14689.
Receptionist: 14689? Let me check. Yes, sir, we have your reservation right here. That’s for June 10th through the 13th, Monday through Thursday night.
Gary: In the example we just heard, the receptionist confirms that the dates of Mr. Blake’s reservation are June 10th through June 13th.

Now let’s listen to some more examples of confirming information in today’s Business Dialog. First, the receptionist confirms the dates of Mr. Fernandez’ reservation when she says,”I have you booked for tonight through Friday night.” Let’s listen.

Receptionist: May I help you?
Fernandez: Yes, please. I have a reservation for tonight.
Receptionist: And what’s your name?
Fernandez: My name is Frank Fernandez.
Receptionist: Frank Fernandez. Yes, I have you booked for tonight through Friday night.
Gary: Then Mr. Fernandez confirms that he’s staying for three nights.
Receptionist: Is that correct?
Fernandez: That’s right. I’m staying three nights
Gary: Next, the receptionist and Mr. Fernandez both confirm that the room is a non- smoking room. Let’s listen again.
Receptionist: I see you requested a non-smoking room.
Fernandez: Yes, that’s correct.
Gary: Remember, it’s a good idea when you check in at a hotel to confirm that you’re getting the type of room you expected. You wouldn’t want any surprises, would you ? Well, that’s all for Gary’s Tips. Good luck in your business travels!
Eliz: Thanks very much, Gary.
Eliz: Well, our time is up. Turn in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!



Quí vị vừa học xong bài 40 trong Chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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