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Will & Going to

Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp nhất.

1) I feel dreadful; I ____ be sick.
am going to
Either could be used here
2) Tonight, I ____ stay in- I've rented a video.
am going to
Either could be used here
3) If you have any problems, don't worry; I ____ help you.
am going to
Either could be used here
4) I completely forgot about it. Give me a moment; I ____ do it now.
am going to
Either could be used here
5) Look at those clouds- it ____ rain any minute now.
is going to
Either could be used here
6) The weather forecast says it ____ snow tomorrow.
is going to
Either could be used here
7) That's the phone- I ____ answer it.
am going to
Either could be used here
8) Thanks for the offer, but I'm OK; Shane ____ help me.
is going to
Either could be used here
9) Where are you going?
I am going to see a friend.
I'll see a friend.
10) Tea or coffee?
I'm going to have tea, please.
I'll have tea, please.


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