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Dynamic english 87 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 87

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English, bài 87. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong phần mở đầu, quí vị nghe phần Đàm thoại hàng ngày Ở Phòng Mạch của Bác sĩ, phần 3, at the Doctor’s Office, part 3.

Trong phần này, Natalie nói với bác sĩ của bà về chân đau của mình. Natalie talks with her doctor about her leg. Her leg hurts when it rains=một chân bà ấy đau khi trời mưa. It hurts on rainy days. Chân tôi đau vào những hôm trời mưa. It doesn’t hurt at all on sunny days=hôm nào trời nắng, chân tôi không đau tí nào. Not at all=không chút nào.



Cut 1


Daily Dialogue: At the Doctor’s Office Part 3.
Larry: Daily Dialogue: At the Doctor’s Office (Part 3)
Larry: Listen to the conversation.
Door opening and closing
Doctor (male): Good morning, Natalie. (short pause)
Natalie: Good morning, Doctor. (short pause)
Doctor: How are you today? (short pause)
Natalie: Just fine, thanks. (short pause)
Doctor: So what’s the problem? (short pause)
Natalie: My leg hurts. (short pause)
Doctor: Where does it hurt? (short pause)
Natalie: Right here. In my knee. (short pause)
Doctor: Does it hurt when you walk? (short pause)
Natalie: Yes, it does. It hurts when I walk. (short pause)
Doctor: Can you tell me anything else about it? (short pause)
Natalie: Yes, it hurts when it rains. (short pause)
Doctor: When it rains? (short pause)
Natalie: Yes, it hurts on rainy days. (short pause)
Doctor: What about on sunny days? (short pause)
Natalie: It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt at all. (short pause)
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Doctor: Can you tell me anything else about it? (pause for repeat)
Natalie: Yes, it hurts when it rains.(pause for repeat)
Doctor: When it rains? (pause for repeat)
Natalie: Yes, it hurts on rainy days. (pause for repeat)
Doctor: What about on sunny days? (pause for repeat)
Natalie: It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt at all. (pause for repeat)



Vietnamese Explanation



Sau đây là phần Câu đố trong tuần, Question of the week.
When do they do it? Họ làm một hoạt động ở tuổi nào?
At what age do most people learn to drive a car? Ở tuổi nào phần lớn mọi người học lái xe?
Clue=đầu mối dẫn đến câu giải đáp.
Start first grade=bắt đầu học lớp một [đồng ấu]. [Bên Mỹ, từ tiểu học đến hết trung học có 12 năm: tiểu học từ first grade đến hết sixth grade; sơ trung, junior high từ lớp 7, seventh grade, đến hết lớp 8, eighth grade; cao trung, high school, từ lớp 9, ninth grade, đến hết lớp 12, twelfth grade. Học sinh lớp 9 cao trung gọi là freshman, lớp 10 gọi là sophomore, lớp 11 gọi là junior và lớp 12 gọi là senior.]
Retire=về hưu.
Retirement age=tuổi về hưu.
Retiree=người đã về hưu.




Cut 2


Question of the Week: question
Larry: Question of the Week!
The Question of the Week is “When do they do it?”
Max: This week we will ask When do they do it? Listen carefully to these clues. We’ll have the answers on the next show.
Question 1. In the United States, when do most people learn to drive a car? At what age do most people learn to drive a car?
Question 2. In the United States, when do most children start first grade? At what age do most children start first grade?
Question 3. In the United States, when do most people retire? At what age do most people retire?
We’ll have the answers on next week’s show.



Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần Câu chuyện giữa bài, Story Interlude, Kathy sắp về Boston thăm cha mẹ. Kathy is going to Boston to visit her parents.
She’s going to take the train from Union Station=cô ấy sẽ đi xe lửa từ ga chính Union Station.
A train station=ga xe lửa. As a matter of fact, I have to hurry=đúng ra, tôi phải đi gấp.
As a matter of fact=the truth is, actually =sự thật là, đúng ra là.
I have to hurry=I’m in a hurry=tôi vội.
Hurry up! =nhanh lên.
I need to get to Union Station right away=Tôi phải tới ga Union Station ngay lập tức. [Ga xe lửa Union Station ở thủ đô Washington.]
I don’t mind=tôi không phiền, không cảm thấy trở ngại.
I don’t mind waiting=tôi chờ cũng không sao.
Would you mind if I opened the window? = Bạn có phiền lòng nếu tôi mở cửa sổ không? [Nhận xét:Khi nghe câu Do you mind, hay would you mind, nếu không phiền ngại, thì ta trả lời là “No, hay Not at all, hay Certainly not.” Còn nếu trả lời “Yes” thì có nghĩa là ta không muốn cho mở cửa sổ.]
Relax=nghỉ ngơi, thoải mái.


Cut 3


Story Interlude




Larry: Well, that’s it, folks. Good show. Enjoy your weekend.
Max ' Kathy: Thanks, Larry.
Max: So, what are you doing this weekend?
Kathy: I’m going to Boston. I’m going to visit my parents.
Max: When are you leaving?
Kathy: Soon. As a matter of fact, I have to hurry. I need to get to Union Station right away.
Max: Union Station?
Kathy: Yes, I’m going to take the train.
Max: You’re taking the train to Boston?
Kathy: That’s right.
Max: Why don’t you fly?
Kathy: I don’t like to fly. I prefer to travel by train. On a train, you can relax. And you can walk around on the train.
Max: But it takes longer!
Kathy: I know, but I don’t mind. Well, I’ve got to go!
SFX: Elizabeth enters
Kathy: Oh hi Elizabeth. See you all later. Eliz: Bye Kathy. Have a nice trip!
SFX: door closing
Larry: Quiet please, everyone. Ready for Functioning in Business. Cue Music...

Vietnamese Explanation


Phần tới, Functioning in Business, là một chương trình Anh ngữ Thương mại Trung cấp chú trọng vào tập tục và văn hoá trong môi trường kinh doanh Hoa Kỳ. Phần này chú trọng vào cách nhượng một điểm. This program focuses on conceding a point. [Chuyện sau đây diễn ra ra ở nhà hàng.] Today’s unit is “At the restaurant, part 3”.

To concede=nhường.
The warehouse=kho chứa hàng.
To warehouse=chứa hàng vào kho.
Spare parts=đồ phụ tùng thay thế.
Ms. Graham expressed concerns about aftersales service and support=bà Graham diễn tả sự quan tâm về dịch vụ sau khi giao hàng và dịch vụ hỗ trợ.
She was worried that we didn’t have any warehouses in the United States=bà ấy lo ngại chúng tôi không có nhà kho nào ở Hoa Kỳ.


Cut 4


Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!
Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture. Today’s unit is “At the Restaurant, Part 3.” This program focuses on Conceding a Point.

Interview: Charles Blake
Larry: Interview Mr. Blake discusses his lunch meeting with Ms. Graham.
Eliz: On today’s program I’ll be talking with Charles Blake.
Eliz: Hello, Charles.
Blake: Hello.
Eliz: In your business lunch with Ms. Graham, she expressed concerns about aftersales service and support.
Blake: That’s right. And she was worried that we didn’t have any warehouses in the United States.
Eliz: Warehouses?
Blake: Yes, warehouses to provide spare parts for our industrial robots. You see, Ms. Graham already had a good working relationship with an American company...
Eliz: You mean United Industries, right?
Blake: That’s right. And United Industries had warehouses in California. So she was nervous about doing business with a new company.
Eliz: Especially with a company based outside the United States.
Blake: Exactly.
Eliz: Well, let’s listen to more of your conversation at the restaurant.
Blake: Good idea.

Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, ta nghe lại mẩu đàm thoại trong đó bà Graham lo rằng công ty của Ông Blake không có kho chứa đồ phụ tùng thay thế ở gần xưởng bà. Ms. Graham is concerned that Mr. Blake’s company does not have nearby warehouses for spare parts.
Ông Blake đề nghị bán phụ tùng thay thế thẳng cho xưởng của bà Graham. Nearby trong nearby warehouses ở câu trên là adjective, nhưng cũng có thể dùng là adverb.
Như: Mr. Blake’s company does not have any warehouses nearby. Mr. Blake offers to sell spare parts directly to Ms. Graham’s factory. [Ôn lại: to warehouse (verb)=chứa đồ trong kho.]
Your company has no facilities nearby, not even a warehouse for spare parts=công ty của ông không có cơ xưởng ở gần, ngay cả kho chứa phụ tùng thay thế cũng không có.
We can send you spare parts ahead of time=chúng tôi có thể gửi phụ tùng thay thế trước.
Ahead of time=trước khi cần.
We don’t want to warehouse spare parts here=chúng tôi không muốn chứa phụ tùng ở đây.
It’s just asking for trouble=như vậy gây thêm khó khăn.
And it also adds to our cost=và chứa sẵn phụ tùng lại tăng thêm phí tổn cho chúng tôi.
On the other hand=về mặt khác, ngược lại. Facilities=cơ xưởng, máy móc.
I see your point=tôi hiểu ý của bạn.




Cut 5


Dialog: Lunch meeting


Larry: Dialog
Larry: This conversation takes place at a restaurant in San Mateo, California.
Graham: As Mr. Epstein has told you, we have a good relationship with United Industries. And we know we can depend on them. On the other hand, your company has no facilities nearby, not even a warehouse for spare parts. That makes me very nervous.
Blake: I understand. As I told Mike, I’m sure we can work out a satisfactory arrangement. For example, we can send you spare parts ahead of time.
Graham: I appreciate that, Mr. Blake, but we don’t want to warehouse spare parts here. It’s just asking for trouble, and it also adds to our cost.
Blake: Yes, I see your point.
Epstein: Oh, here’s our food. Why don’t we take a break for a moment?




Vietnamese Explanation


Trong phần tới, xin nghe rồi lập lại. Work out a satisfactory arrangement=tìm ra một cách dàn xếp ổn thoả.



Cut 6


Language Focus: Listen and Repeat:


Larry: Listen and Repeat.
Eliz: As Mr. Epstein has told you (pause for repeat)
Eliz: As Mr. Epstein has told you, we have a good relationship with United Industries. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: On the other hand (pause for repeat)
Eliz: On the other hand, your company has no facilities nearby. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: As I told Mike (pause for repeat)
Eliz: As I told Mike, I’m sure we can work out a satisfactory arrangement. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I appreciate that (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I appreciate that, but we don’t want to warehouse spare parts here. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới Elizabeth hỏi ông Blake về mối quan tâm của bà Graham. Raise the issue=nêu lên vấn đề.
On hand=có sẵn.
That way they could have spare parts on hand whenever they needed them=theo cách đó họ có sẵn phụ tùng thay thế bất cứ khi nào họ cần.
Local warehouses=kho chứa đồ ở ngay trong vùng.




Cut 7



Interview: Charles Blake


Larry: Interview
Eliz: I see that Ms. Graham raised the issue of spare parts.
Blake: That’s right. Providing spare parts is an important part of aftersales service.
Eliz: And she was concerned that your company didn’t have local warehouses for spare parts.
Blake: That’s true, but I proposed that we send her additional spare parts. That way they could have spare parts on hand whenever they needed them. Eliz: I see.
Well, thank you for being with us again today.
Blake: It’s been my pleasure.
Eliz: We’ll be back with Culture Tips after a short break.



Vietnamese Explanation




Quí vị vừa học xong bài 87 trong chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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