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Dynamic english 81 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 81

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English bài 81; Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Mở đầu bài học là phần Câu Đố Trong Tuần, Question of the week, trong đó quí vị nghe những “đầu mối,” nghĩa là clues, để đoán xem mùa này là mùa gì. Thanksgiving dinner=bữa ăn tối mừng Lễ Tạ Ơn. To bloom=nở. The flowers are blooming=hoa nở.


Cut 1

Question of the Week: answer

Larry: Question of the Week!
The Question of the Week is: What Season is It?

Max: It’s time to answer last week’s question. The question was: What Season is It? Are you ready to play?
Kathy: Yes, I am.
Max: OK. Listen carefully to these clues.
Question 1. What season is it?
Larry: It is cool. The leaves are turning colors.
People are having a Thanksgiving dinner.
Max: What season is it?
Kathy: Thanksgiving? Americans have Thanksgiving in the fall.
Max: That’s right. It’s fall.
Question 2. What season is it?
Larry: It is hot. The days are long and the nights are short. People are going swimming.
Max: What season is it?
Kathy: Let’s see. It’s hot. And people are swimming. It’s summer!
Max: That’s it!
Now question 3. Again, what season is it?
Larry: It is warm.
The grass is green.
The flowers are blooming.
Max: What season is it?
Kathy: That’s easy. It’s spring.
Max: Right. Now for the last question. What season is it?
Larry: It is cold.
People are skiing.
There is snow on the ground.
Max: What season is it?
Kathy: Winter. It’s winter.
Max: Right. People go skiing in the winter.
Thanks for playing.
Kathy: I had fun.



Larry: A Question for You
Max: Now here’s a question for you.
Larry: Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: In your country, when do most children learn to read? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Hmm. Thanks for telling us.



Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần Câu chuyện giữa bài, ta nghe Larry nói về chuyến đi câu của ông ta. Larry talks about his fishing trip. Did you wear your lucky fishing hat? Bạn có đội cái mũ đi câu may mắn của bạn không?
It’s bad luck to talk when you are fishing=trong khi đang câu, nếu nói chuyện thì xui. It scares the fish! Nói to làm cho cá sợ.
To scare=làm sợ. I’m scared=tôi sợ.
Did you have fun with your friends= Ông và bạn ông có vui không?
Jokes=chuyện khôi hài.
To tell a joke=kể một chuyện buồn cười.
The best way to fish=cách câu được nhiều cá nhất.




Cut 2



Story Interlude


Larry talks about his fishing trip.
Larry: A-a-a-nd that’s it. We’re off the air.
Kathy: So, Larry, tell us. How was your weekend?
Max: Yes, how was your fishing trip?
Larry: I had a great time.
Kathy: Larry, what about your lucky hat? Did you wear your lucky fishing hat?
Larry: Of course!
Kathy: And did it work? Did you catch a lot of fish?
Larry: [laughs] Oh, yes. The fishing was very good.
Kathy: Did you have fun with your friends?
Larry: Oh, we always have fun!
Kathy: What do you do?
Larry: Well, we always talk about the best way to fish. And we tell lots of jokes. But we only talk at the end of the day, in the evening.
Kathy: Why is that?
Larry: It’s bad luck to talk when you are fishing! It scares the fish!
Elizabeth enters
Kathy: Oh hi Elizabeth. Are you ready for your show?
Eliz: Yes, thanks. We’re about to begin.
Kathy: OK. Good luck.
Larry: Alri-i-i-ght. Quiet please, everyone. Cue Music...


Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần tới, Functioning in Business, Anh Ngữ Thương Mại Trung cấp, ta nghe phần đàm thoại ở tiệm ăn, phần 1-At the Restaurant, Part 1. Bài này chú trọng vào cách nhận và từ chối đề nghị hay lời mời, This program focuses on Accepting and Refusing Offers.
An offer=lời mời, đề nghị.
To offer=mời, đề nghị.
I offered two thousand dollars for his old car=tôi đề nghị trả hai ngàn mỹ kim cho các xe hơi cũ của ông ta.
Formal=có vẻ trịnh trọïng, trang nghiêm.
It was nice, but not too formal=tiệm ăn lịch sự, nhưng không quá trang nghiêm.
We wanted a comfortable place to discuss business=chúng tôi muốn một nơi ấm cúng để bàn công chuyện.
Trade show=cuộc triển lãm thương mại.
Ông Epstein mô tả nhà hàng nơi ông ăn trưa với Ông Blake và Bà Graham.





Cut 3


Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!
Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture.
Today’s unit is “At the Restaurant, Part 1.” This program focuses on Accepting and Refusing Offers.



Interview: Mike Epstein, at restaurant


Larry: Interview
Mr Epstein describes the restaurant where he had lunch with Mr. Blake and Ms. Graham.
Eliz: On today’s program I’ll be talking with Mike Epstein.
Mr. Epstein is at a trade show in Florida. He is talking to us by phone.
Phone bleep
Eliz: Hello, Mr. Epstein
Epstein: Hello, Elizabeth.
Eliz: How’s the weather down there?
Epstein: Warm and sunny, as always.
Eliz: Last time we listened to your conversation at Mr. Blake’s hotel. ... when Mr. Blake first met Ms. Graham.
Epstein: Yes. After that, we went from his hotel to the restaurant.
Eliz: Was it a nice restaurant?
Epstein: Yes, it was nice, but not too formal. We wanted a comfortable place to discuss business.
Eliz: Today, we’re going to listen to your conversation with the waiter at the restaurant.
Epstein: OK.




Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, ta học về cách gọi các món ăn ở nhà hàng-Ordering in a restaurant. To order=gọi món ăn (ở nhà hàng).
Salad dressing=dầu trộn rau sống.
Lowfat Italian=dầu trộn rau sống kiểu Y,Ù ít chất béo, gồm có dầu, và dấm.
Olive oil=dầu ô-liu.
Cream=váng sữa.
Are you ready to order?=bạn đã sẵn sàng gọi món ăn chưa?
I‘m watching my weight=[tôi phải để ý đến sức nặng của tôi]=tôi ăn khem để khỏi mập (béo).
Large green salad=món rau sống đĩa lớn.
Blue cheese=phó mát mềm có nấm màu xanh như phó mát rố-cơ-fo.
Blue cheese is a rich cheese=Blue cheese là món phó mát nhiều chất béo.
Seafood sauté=món đồ biển xào lăn.
Sauté=fry quickly=sào nhanh trên chảo mỡ hay bơ. [chữ sauté gốc từ chữ Pháp sauter (nghĩa là nhảy); quá khứ phân từ viết là sautéed].
Pesto pasta=món mì Ý có đổ nước xốt nghiền kiểu Ý. Pesto là thứ nước xốt nghiền gồm rau húng basil tươi, tỏi (garlic), Parmesan cheese, và dầu ô-liu (olive oil).
Parmesan cheese=thứ phó mát làm ở tỉnh Parma bên Ý, cứng, được bào mỏng để rắc lên mì hay súp.
Dressing=dầu hay phó mát lỏng để trộn rau sống.
New York steak=thịt bò nướng kiểu New York.
Để ý cách nói cho nhà hàng nướng thịt bò steak vừa ý mình: Medium rare=thịt nướng chín vừa bên ngoài nhưng còn hơi hồng bên trong.
Well done=chín kỹ; medium=chín vừa; rare=còn sống bên giữa.
The waiter comes to their table=người hầu bàn lại chỗ họ ngồi.
Waiter=người hầu bàn (nam);
waitress=người hầu bàn (nữ).




Cut 4



Dialog: Ordering in a Restaurant


Larry: Dialog
Ms. Graham, Mr. Blake, and Mr. Epstein order their meals at the restaurant.
Larry: Ms. Graham, Mr. Blake, and Mr. Epstein are at the restaurant. The waitress comes to their table.
Waitress: Are you ready to order?
Graham: Yes, I think we’re all ready. I’ll have the large green salad.
Waitress: And what kind of dressing would you like?
Graham: Just oil and vinegar please.
Waitress: OK. (pause)
Blake: Which do you recommend, Ms. Graham: the seafood sauté or the pesto pasta?
Graham: Hmmm, do you like rich sauces?
Blake: Yes, very much, but I’m watching my weight.
Graham: I understand. I suggest the pesto pasta; it has olive oil and no cream.
Blake: Good idea! And I’ll also take a small salad with the lowfat Italian dressing. (pause)
Epstein: I’ll have the small green salad and the New York steak, medium rare.
Waitress: And what dressing would you like?
Epstein: I’d like blue cheese dressing.
Waitress: Thank you.




Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, Language Focus, Variations, ta nghe những câu cùng diễn tả một ý giống nhau.




Cut 5



Language Focus: Listen and Repeat: Variations

Larry: Variations. Listen to these variations.
Eliz: Are you ready to order?
Larry: Can I take your order? (pause)
Eliz: I’ll have the large green salad.
Larry: I’d like the large green salad. (pause)
Eliz: What kind of dressing would you like?
Larry: What kind of dressing would you prefer? (pause)
Eliz: I suggest the pesto pasta.
Larry: I recommend the pesto pasta. (pause)



Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần cuối bài học, ta nghe mẩu phỏng vấn Mike Epstein ở nhà hàng. They seem to have a nice variety of food at that restaurant=nhà hàng ấy có nhiều món khác nhau.
A lot of choices=có nhiều món cho khách chọn.
To order=gọi món ăn.
An order=một món khách gọi. [Nhận xét: order=còn có nghĩa là hàng đã đặt.]
Business discussions=cuộc thảo-luận về công việc kinh doanh.


Cut 6


Interview: Mike Epstein, at restaurant


Larry: Interview
Eliz: They seem to have a nice variety of food at that restaurant.
Epstein: Yes, they do. They have a lot of choices. But I always order the steak. It’s always very good.
Eliz: After you ordered, you began discussing business.
Epstein: That’s right.
Eliz: We’ll listen to those business discussions on our next show. Thank you very much for being with us today.
Epstein: It’s been my pleasure.
Eliz: Let’s take a short break.


Vietnamese Explanation




Quí vị vừa học xong bài 81 trong chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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