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Dynamic english 79 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 79

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English bài 79; Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Bài học hôm nay chú trọng vào cách ngắt lời lịch sự, how to interrupt politely. Quí vị đã nghe ở phần trước khi ông Blake và bà Graham đang nói chuyện, thì Ông Epstein muốn ngắt lời cho họ biết có xe chờ đi ăn trưa, và Ông nói: “Well, I hate to interrupt, but we have a car ouside, and we have reservations at 12:15. Tôi thật không muốn ngắt lời, nhưng chúng ta có xe đang chờ và có hẹn ở nhà hàng lúc 12 giờ 15 phút.



A sentence=câu. The best time to interrupt someone is between sentences. Lúc tốt nhất để ngắt lời ai là chờ người ấy nói hết một câu.
You can move closer to the person, establish eye contact, and open your mouth a little=bạn hãy lại gần người đang nói, nhìn mắt người ấy, và hé miệng một chút.
Và nói nhanh câu:”Excuse me for lỗi ngắt lời…”
You don’t want to interrupt someone in the middle of a sentence=đừng ngắt lời khi người ấy chưa nói hết một câu.
Visual=thuộc về thị giác. Adverb: visually.
To get someone’s attention=khiến ai lưu ý.
It’s usually easier to get the person’s attention visually so that he or she will stop talking=Ra dấu hiệu cho người nói lưu ý để người ấy ngừng nói thì thường dễ hơn.
Establish eye contact=nhìn vào mắt người nói.
Point your index finger up=giơ ngón trỏ lên.
Xin nghe phần Mách giúp văn hoá Culture Tips.




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Culture Tips: Interrupting


Larry: Culture Tips:


This Culture Tip discusses how to interrupt.

Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips”. We’re here with our business language expert Gary Engleton.
Gary: Welcome, everybody!
Eliz: Today we’re going to talk about interrupting.
Eliz: The e-mail question is: “I have trouble interrupting in English. Can you help me?”
Gary: Well, interrupting is sometimes necessary, but it can be rather difficult.
Eliz: Why?
Gary: Because you don’t want to interrupt someone in the middle of a sentence. The best time to interrupt someone is between sentences.
Eliz: Why is that difficult?
Gary: Because the time between sentences is often very short, less than one second.
Eliz: That’s a really short time!
Gary: Yes, you have to say something like “I’m sorry to interrupt ....”, but you have to say it really fast!
It’s usually easier to get the person’s attention visually so that they will stop talking.
Eliz: How do you do that?
Gary: Well, you can move close to the person, establish eye contact and open your mouth a little. That shows that you want to say something and they may stop talking.
Eliz: That’s a good idea!
Gary: One last strategy is to point up with the index finger and say “Uhhhh......” or “Uh, excuse me.” Then the person may stop talking long enough for you to interrupt.
Eliz: Those are wonderful strategies for a very difficult skill. Thanks Gary!
Gary: I’m always happy to help.



Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe một câu rồi tùy nghĩa trong bài học, trả lời Đúng hay Sai-True or False.



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Language Focus: True/False


Larry: True or False.
Larry: Listen. Is this statement true or false?
Eliz: You should never interrupt. (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: False. Interrupting is sometimes necessary. (pause)
Eliz: The best place to interrupt someone is in the middle of a sentence. (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: False. The best place is between sentences. (pause)
Eliz: Establishing eye contact, pointing your index finger up and saying “Uhhhhh.....” are good strategies for interrupting(ding)(pause for answer)
Eliz: True. They will get the person’s attention. Then you can talk.




Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, chúng ta nghe ba mẩu đàm tthoại và nghe những câu dùng để ngắt lời. A board meeting=buổi họp của ban giám đốc.
You’ll have to find a way=bạn phải tìm ra cách mà giải quyết vấn đề.
There’s a Mr. Walters waiting to see you=Có một ông tên là Walters đang chờ gặp bà.
Urgent=khẩn cấp.
He says it’s urgent=ông ta bảo đây là chuyện khẩn cấp.
I‘ve got to take this call=tôi phải nghe cú điện thoại này.
Production meeting=buổi họp về sản xuất hay của nhân viên lo về sản xuất.
UCLA=viết tắt ở chữ University of California in Los Angeles.
Ba câu dùng để ngắt lời: I’m sorry to interrupt…
Excuse me for interrupting…Uh, excuse me… Thanks for reminding me, cám ơn đã nhắc cho tôi biết.



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Business Dialog:


Larry: Business Dialog
Larry: These dialogs give examples of how to interrupt.
Dialog 1: Mary and Bob are discussing a project they are working on.
Eliz: Dialog 1: Mary and Bob are discussing a project they are working on. Listen for the expression, “I’m sorry to interrupt.”
Bob: But Mary, we can’t possibly finish by Tuesday!
Mary: But that’s our deadline. You’ll have to find a way!
Sam: I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a Mr. Walters waiting to see you. He says he has a two o’clock appointment.
Mary: Oh, is it two o’clock already? Sorry, Bob, we’ll have to continue this some other time.
Eliz: Dialog 2: Joseph is talking about his vacation in Los Angeles. Listen for the expression, “excuse me for interrupting.”
Joseph: And then I flew to Los Angeles and stayed with my wife’s sister. She took us around the city. We went shopping in Beverly Hills and visited UCLA.
Tara: Uh, excuse me for interrupting, but it’s time for the production meeting.
Joseph: I thought the meeting was tomorrow.
Tara: No, it’s today.
Joseph: Oh, thanks for reminding me.
Eliz: Dialog 3: Two colleagues are discussing a business decision. In this dialog, the woman uses the expression “Uh, excuse me” to interrupt.
Ms. Harris: ... And so I think we should delay the decision until after the Board Meeting.
Sam: But it can’t wait until then.
Young woman: Uh, excuse me, Ms. Harris, but Mr. Diego is on the phone. He says it’s urgent.
Ms. Harris: OK. Sorry, Sam. I’ve got to take this call. We’ll talk about it later.
Sam: No problem.




Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, ta nghe những câu dùng để ngắt lời.




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Focus on Functions: Interruption


Larry: Focus on Functions: Interrupting
Eliz: Now let’s focus on Interrupting.
Larry: Listen and Repeat.
Eliz: I’m sorry to interrupt (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a Mr. Walters waiting to see you. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Uh, excuse me for interrupting (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Uh, excuse me for interrupting, but it’s time for the production meeting. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Uh, excuse me, Ms. Harris, (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Uh, excuse me, Ms. Harris, but Mr. Diego is on the phone.(pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần tới, Gary chỉû cho ta những cách ngắt lời lịch sự.
Gary comments on the language used to interrupt in business situations=Gary nhận xét về ngôn ngữ dùng để ngắt lời trong khi làm việc.


Immediate action=phải hành động ngay.
Word=lời, chữ, từ.
May I have a word with you?=Xin cho tôi được thưa chuyện với ông/bà.
Whenever possible, you should wait until it is your turn to speak=bất cứ khi nào có thể, bạn nên chờ đến lượt mình rồi hãy nói.
But when you need immediate action, you may have to interrupt=nhưng khi cần hành động ngay, thì bạn có thể phải ngắt lời.
In each of these cases, the person uses a polite expression to interrupt and to give the important news=trong mỗi trường hợp này, người ngắt lời dùng lời nhã nhặn, và báo tin quan trọng.
A two o‘clock appointment=buổi hẹn lúc hai giờ.
To make an appointment=xin hẹn gặp ai.
Delay the decision=hoãn quyết định.

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Gary’s Tips: Interrupting

Larry: Gary’s Tips.

Eliz: Now it’s time for Gary’s Tips with Gary Engleton!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth! Today I’ll be talking about how to interrupt. Sometimes when people are talking, you may need to interrupt them. Of course, whenever possible, you should wait until it is your turn to speak. But when you need immediate action, you may have to interrupt.
For example, Mr. Epstein interrupts Mr. Blake and Ms. Graham to let them know that it is time to leave. Mr. Epstein uses the polite expression “I hate to interrupt, but...”
Epstein: Well, I hate to interrupt, but we have a car outside, and we have reservations at 12:15.
So why don’t we get over to the restaurant, and we can continue our conversation there?
Gary: He suggests that they continue their conversation at the restaurant. In today Business Dialogs, we see other examples of interruptions. In the first Dialog, Bob and Mary are talking about an important deadline. Sam has to interrupt to let Mary know that someone is waiting to see her.
Bob: But Mary, we can’t possibly finish by Tuesday!
Mary: But that’s our deadline. You’ll have to find a way!
Sam: I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a Mr. Walters waiting to see you. He says he has a two o’clock appointment.
Mary: Oh, is it two o’clock already? Sorry, Bob, we’ll have to continue this some other time.
Gary: Sam uses the polite expression “I’m sorry to interrupt , but...” He uses this expression to get Mary’s attention and to interrupt the conversation. In Business Dialog 2, Joseph is telling Tara about his trip to California. She interrupts his story to remind him that the production meeting is going to begin.
Joseph: And then I flew to Los Angeles and stayed with my wife’s sister. She took us around the city. We went shopping in Beverly Hills and visited UCLA.
Tara: Uh, excuse me for interrupting, but it’s time for the production meeting.
Joseph: I thought the meeting was tomorrow.
Tara: No, it’s today.
Joseph: Oh, thanks for reminding me.
Gary: She uses the small sound “Uh” and the expression “Excuse me for interrupting but...” to get his attention.

In this case, Joseph didn’t know there was a meeting, and he thanks Tara for reminding him.


In Dialog 3, the young woman uses the expression “Uh, excuse me” and the person’s name to interrupt the conversation.


Ms. Harris: And so I think we should delay the decision until after the Board Meeting.
Sam: But it can’t wait until then.
Young woman: Uh, excuse me, Ms. Harris, but Mr. Diego is on the phone. He says it’s urgent.
Ms. Harris: OK. Sorry, Sam. I’ve got to take this call. We’ll talk about it later.
Sam: No problem.
Gary: In each of these cases, the person uses a polite expression to interrupt and to give the important news. If your news is important, the person will be happy that you have interrupted. I hope today’s tips were helpful! Thanks for joining us today for Gary’s Tips. We’ll see you again next time!
Eliz: Thanks Gary!







Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!






Vietnamese Explanation



Quí vị vừa học xong bài 79 trong Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động, New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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