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Dynamic english 77 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 77

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English, bài 77; Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là câu Does It Ever Snow in Florida=có bao giờ có tuyết ở tiểu bang Florida không? Trong bài học hôm nay, quí vị sẽ học về thời tiết, và học cách dùng mệnh đề với chữ “When” (Khi). This lesson focuses on weather, and inroduces clauses using “when.” Ta hãy nghe Kathy hỏi chuyện Sandra Harris, giáo sư âm nhạc ở Florida.








Dynamic English is a basic English language course and an introduction to American people and culture.


Larry: Today’s unit is Does It Ever Snow in Florida?

This lesson focuses on weather, and introduces clauses using “when.”




Max: Hi, Kathy. How are you?
Kathy: Good. And you?

Max: Just great. Who’s our guest today?
Kathy: Today we’re going to talk with Sandra Harris.
Max: I remember Sandra. She’s a music teacher, isn’t she?
Kathy: Yes, she is. She lives in Florida. Today we’re going to talk about her life in Florida.
Max: Sounds good.







Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, ta nghe tiếp chuyện Sandra Harris và học về những từ ngữ chỉ thời tiết.


Weather=thời tiết;
sunny=có nắng;
cloudy=có mây;
windy=có gió.
Sailboat=thuyền buồm;
a beach=bờ biển;
surfing=môn lướt sóng trên một ván mỏng.
To surf=lướt sóng trên ván mỏng.
To go surfing. What do you do when the weather is bad?
Bạn làm gì khi thời tiết xấu? I like to stay home and read a good book, or watch a video=tôi thích ở nhà đọc một cuốn sách hay, hay xem một phim thâu băng.
Video=phim thâu băng, viết tắt ở chữ videocassette.
On windy days, we like to go sailing=vào hôm trời có gió, chúng tôi thích đi thuyền.



Cut 2


Interview: Sandra Harris


Larry: Interview
Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview. Our guest today is Sandra Harris. Sandra is a music teacher. She lives with her husband and two children in Miami, Florida. Sandra, it’s nice to have you back with us.
Sandra: It’s nice to be back.
Kathy: Do you like Florida? Do you like living in Florida?
Sandra: Yes, I do. It’s a nice place to live.
Kathy: Why do you think so?
Sandra: Well, I love the weather. I like warm, sunny days.
Kathy: What kind of things do you do on sunny days?
Sandra: On sunny days, I like to go to the beach. We live near the beach. We swim in the ocean, and my daughter, Collette, loves to go surfing.
Kathy: Is it often warm and sunny in Florida?
Sandra: Yes, it is sunny most of the time. Of course, sometimes it’s cloudy or rainy.
Kathy: What do you do when the weather is bad?
Sandra: I like to stay home and read a good book, or watch a video.
Kathy: What else do you like to do?
Sandra: Well, my husband, Bob, and I have a sailboat. On windy days, we like to go sailing.
Kathy: Thank you, Sandra. Our guest is Sandra Harris. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.



Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, Language Focus, ta lập lại từng nhóm chữ trước rồi sau đó lập lại cả câu để luyện câu dài. Xin để ý đến mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu bằng “When.”
Nhận xét là nếu mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu bằng “when” đi trước, thì có dấu phẩy (comma) phân cách với mệnh đề chính.
Thí dụ: When it’s sunny, we like to go to the beach. Có dấu phẩy sau “sunny.” Nhưng ta có thể nói: We like to go to the beach when it’s sunny. Nếu mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu bằng “when” đi sau mệnh-đề chính thì KHÔNG có dấy phẩy trước “when.”





Cut 3



Language Focus. Phrasal repetition.



Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: We like to go to the beach. (pause for repeat)
Max: When it’s sunny, we like to go to the beach. (pause for repeat)
Max: We like to go swimming. (pause for repeat)
Max: When it’s warm, we like to go swimming. (pause for repeat)
Max: We like to go sailing. (pause for repeat)
Max: When it’s windy, we like to go sailing.(pause for repeat)





Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần tới, ta nghe Sandra Harris nói về thời tiết ở Florida.
A storm=cơn bão;
hurricane=bão lớn, giông tố.
Snow=tuyết; rain=mưa. Hai chữ snow, và rain vừa là danh từ vừa là động từ. Danh từ: Sandra talks about rain and snow in Florida. Động từ: It sometimes rains in Miami, but it never snows, đôi khi trời mưa ở Miami, nhưng không bao giờ có tuyết.





Cut 4





Larry: Telephone.
Kathy: Now let’s go to our phones. Hello. You’re on the air with New Dynamic English.
Robin: Hello. My name is Robin. I’m from Idaho. Does it ever rain in Florida?
Sandra: Yes, it does. It sometimes rains. And of course, sometimes we have big storms... hurricanes.
Robin: Does it ever get cold in Florida?
Sandra: Sometimes, but not very often. In Florida, the weather is almost always warm.... even when it rains.
Robin: How about snow? Does it ever snow in Florida?
Sandra: Not in Miami, where we live. It never snows in Miami. It’s too warm.
Robin: I see. Thank you.
Kathy: Thank you for calling.
Sandra: Kathy, I have question for you.
Kathy: Yes?
Sandra: Does it ever snow in Washington?
Kathy: Yes. It usually snows two or three times a year in Washington.
Sandra: That must be very beautiful.
Kathy: Yes, it is. Very beautiful and very cold! Not at all like Florida. Sandra, thank you for being on our show.
Sandra: My pleasure. I’ve enjoyed being here.
Kathy: Let’s take a short break.




Vietnamese Explanation



Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe và trả lời những câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng Does it ever …có bao giờ…khi nghe tiếng chuông. Sau đó lập lại câu trả lời đúng.





Cut 5




Language Focus. Listen and answer.




Larry: Listen and answer. Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: Does it ever rain in Florida? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Yes, it does. It sometimes rains. (short pause)
Max: In Florida, does it ever get cold? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Sometimes, but not very often. (short pause)
Max: Does it ever snow in Miami? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: No, it doesn’t. It never snows in Miami. (short pause)






Vietnamese Explanation





Trong phần tới, ta nghe lại mẩu đàm thoại trong đó Martha đánh thức George dậy đi dạo, nhưng George muốn ngủ tiếp vì đó là sáng chủ nhật. You can go back to sleep=ông có thể ngủ lại đi. Sau khi nghe xong, quí vị nghe lại và lập lại.




Cut 6




Daily Dialogue: Part 3.



Larry: Daily Dialogue: In the Morning (Part 3)
Larry: Listen to the conversation.
Martha: Wake up, George. (short pause)
George: What is it? (short pause)
Martha: Let’s go for a walk. (short pause)
George: It’s too early! (short pause)
Martha: It’s eight o’clock! (short pause)
George: Yes, but it’s Sunday morning. I want to sleep! (short pause)

Martha: Oh, come on, George. Get up. (short pause)
George: But it’s raining! (short pause)
Martha: You can take an umbrella. (short pause)
George: But it’s cold outside! (short pause)
Martha: You can wear a raincoat. (short pause)
George: I want to sleep! (short pause)
Martha: Come on, George. Get up! (short pause)
George: Look! It’s not raining any more. (short pause)
Martha: OK. Then get up. (short pause)
George: It’s snowing!! (short pause)
Martha: Oh, all right. You can go back to sleep. (short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Martha: Come on, George. Get up! (pause for repeat)
George: Look! It’s not raining any more. (pause for repeat)
Martha: OK. Then get up. (pause for repeat)
George: It’s snowing!! (pause for repeat)
Martha: Oh, all right. You can go back to sleep. (pause for repeat)








Vietnamese Explanation




Trong phần tới, Câu đố trong tuần, Question of the week, ta nghe những câu hỏi và để ý đến những “đầu mối” tiếng Anh gọi là “clues”, tức là những chi tiết hướng dẫn đến câu trả lời, để đoán xem thời tiết thuộc mùa nào. Thí dụ: What season is it? Mùa này là mùa gì? Có 3 clues: It’s cool (trời mát); the leaves are turning colors (lá cây đổi màu); people are having a Thanksgiving dinner (người ta ăn tiệc mừng Lễ Tạ Ơn.) Vậy là mùa thu: It’s autumn.




Cut 7



Question of the Week: question

Larry: Question of the Week!
Max: This week we will ask What season is It? Listen carefully to these clues. We’ll have the answers on the next show. Question 1. What season is it?
Larry: It is cool. The leaves are turning colors. People are having a Thanksgiving dinner.
Max: What season is it?
Question 2. What season is it? Larry: It is hot. The days are long and the nights are short. People are going swimming.
Question 3. What season is it? Larry: It is warm. The grass is green. The flowers are blooming.
Question 4. What season is it? Larry: It is cold. People are skiing. There is snow on the ground.
Max: What season is it?
We’ll have the answers on next week’s show.


Larry: A Question for You
Max: Now here’s a question for you.
Larry: Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: Does it ever snow in your country? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Oh, really?

Vietnamese Explanation



Quí vị vừa học xong bài 77 trong Chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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