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Dynamic english 69 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 69

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Ðây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài 69. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong bài học này, quí vị nghe lại một mẩu đàm thoại xin dành chỗ trước tại một nhà hàng.

Sau đó quí vị nghe phần Câu đố trong tuần Question of the Week và dùng câu hỏi How long does it take? (Mất bao lâu?) Tiếp theo là phần tiệc sinh nhật của cậu John, con trai ông Max. Phần kế tiếp, quí vị học cách trì hoãn quyết định, STALLING, DELAYING A DECISION, và phần cuối là cách nhắn tin khi gọi điện thoại.

Mở đầu, quí vị ôn lại cách hẹn dành chỗ trước tại nhà hàng, và cách đọc số nhà khi gồm nhiều con số. Thí dụ: số nhà 2574 First Avenue thì thay vì đọc two five seven four First Avenue, ta đọc twenty-five seventy-four First Avenue.


Daily Dialogue: A Dinner Reservation: Part 3.

Larry: Daily Dialogue: A Dinner Reservation (Part 3)

Larry: Listen to the conversation.
phone ring
Man: Good evening, Starlight Cafe.(short pause)
Woman: Yes, I’d like to make a reservation for this evening. (short pause)
Man: For how many people? (short pause)
Woman: Four people. (short pause)
Man: And at what time? (short pause)
Woman: Eight o’clock. (short pause)
Man: Yes, we have a table at that time. (short pause)
Man: Could I have your name? (short pause)
Woman: Yes, it’s Sara Johnson. (short pause)
Man: Thank you, Ms. Johnson. (short pause)
Woman: Could you please tell me the address of your restaurant? (short pause)
Man: Certainly, it’s 2574 First Avenue. (short pause)

Woman: That’s 25.. 74.. First Avenue. (short pause)
Man: Yes, that’s right. (short pause)
Woman: Thank you. (short pause)
Man: Thank you for calling the Starlight Cafe. (short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Woman: Could you please tell me the address of your restaurant? (pause for repeat)
Man: Certainly, it’s 2574 First Avenue. (pause for repeat)
Woman: That’s 25.. 74.. First Avenue. (pause for repeat)
Man: Yes, that’s right. (pause for repeat)
Woman: Thank you. (pause for repeat)
Man: Thank you for calling the Starlight Cafe. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Tiếp sau đây là phần câu đố trong tuần-Question of the Week, dùng câu hỏi How long does it take (mất bao lâu...?)
Mile=một dặm anh, chừng 1.6 kilometers - one mile=1609 meters.
Mileage=tổng số dặm dường dài.
This car has good mileage=xe hơi này chạy đỡ tốn săng [người Mỹ tính số dặm đường xe chạy được mỗi gallon săng; gọi là mileage.
Gallon= four quarts=four and a half liters-bốn lít rưỡi.]


Question of the Week: How long does it take?

Larry: Question of the Week!

The Question of the Week is How long does it take?

Max: This week’s question is How long does it take?

Question 1. How long does it take... to bake a pizza? How long does it take to bake a pizza?

Question 2. How long does it take... to fly from San Francisco to New York? How long does it take to fly from San Francisco to New York?

Question 3. How long does it take... to walk a mile? How long does it take to walk a mile?

We’ll have the answers on our next show.


Vietnamese Explanation

Tiếp theo đây là Câu chuyện giữa bài-Story Interlude-trong đó Max nói về tiệc sinh nhật của cậu con trai là John. My favorite=món hay vật tôi thích nhất.

Story Interlude: The Birthday Party (2)

Max talks about his son’s birthday party. Max nói chuyện về buội tiệc sinh nhật của con trai ông.

 a chocolate cake bánh ngọt có trộn bột xúc cù là
 a fork cái nĩa
 a birthday present quà sinh nhật
 a computer game trò chơi trên máy điện tử (vi tính)
 a pet monkey con khỉ nuôi làm vật cưng.

Believe it or not, they couldn’t eat it all. Khó tin nhưng có thật là chúng nó không ăn hết.

There was some cake left over. Còn thừa một ít bánh.

Delicious=ngon miệng.
Wild=náo loạn, lộn xộn.
I brought some forks, too: tôi cũng mang đến vài cái nĩa.


Story Interlude: The Birthday Party (2)

Larry: And... we’re off the air!

Kathy: So, Max, how was your son’s birthday party yesterday? You look a little tired.

Max: Yes, well, we had twelve boys at the party. It was wild! But guess what I have for you all?
Kathy: What?
Max: Some birthday cake!
Larry: Chocolate cake, my favorite!
Max: I brought some forks, too. Here. [some=vài]
Kathy: Mmmm. This is good, Max. Your wife made this?
Max: Yes, she’s a good cook.
Kathy: Wait a minute. You had twelve boys at the party, and you have cake left over? How did that happen?
Max: Well, believe it or not, they couldn’t eat it all. We had three large pizzas, and ice cream, and my wife baked two birthday cakes! So there was some cake left over.
Kathy: Well, it’s delicious. So what did John get for his birthday present?
Max: We got him a new computer game.
Kathy: All boys like computer games.
Max: Well, he also wanted a pet monkey.
Kathy: A pet monkey? I guess the computer game is better.
Eliz: Hi, everyone. Well, it’s showtime....hey, chocolate cake, mmm!

Larry: Quiet please. Ready for Functioning in Business. Cue Music...

Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần Functioning in Business--Anh Ngữ Thương Mại Trung Cấp, ta nghe phần đàm thoại giữa Elizabeth và ông Epstein về vụ mua người máy điện tử. Ta nghe bà Graham trì hoãn quyết định-stalling, to stall, to delay a decision.

There was one thing I wasn’t sure about=có một điều mà tôi chưa biết chắc.
Ðể ý đến chữ on trong câu: I left a message on his voice mail=tôi để lại lời nhắn trong máy điện thoại của ông ta.
Let’s discuss it further tomorrow=mai ta sẽ bàn tiếp.
Thành ngữ : Let’s sleep on it=tối về suy nghĩ, mai sẽ tính sau.

Cut 4

MUSIC lead-in and then background

Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!

MUSIC swells and fades

Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture.
Larry: Today’s unit is “Confirming Plans, Part 6.”
Larry: This program focuses on Stalling.


Interview: Epstein

Larry: Phone interview
Eliz: On today’s program I’ll be talking with Mr. Mike Epstein. Mr. Epstein will be with us by phone from his office at Advanced Technologies.
Eliz: Welcome, Mr. Epstein. On our last show, we listened to your conversation with Ms. Graham. There was one thing I wasn’t sure about.
Epstein: Yes, what was it?
Eliz: You wanted to buy robots from Mr. Blake’s company.
Epstein: Yes.
Eliz: And you said, “I think we really have to go ahead with this.”
Epstein: Unh-huh.
Eliz: Well, Ms. Graham replied “Yes. All right.”
But she didn’t really agree with you, did she?
Epstein: No, she didn’t.
Eliz: Let’s listen to the conversation:
Epstein: Well, again, I understand your reservations, Shirley, but again the technology of their product is really excellent. I think we really have to go ahead with this.
Graham: Yes. All right. Well, let’s discuss it further tomorrow. All right?
Epstein: Okay. All right.
Eliz: Why does she say, “Yes. All right.” if she doesn’t agree with you?
Epstein: She is stalling.
Eliz: Excuse me?
Epstein: She’s stalling. She is delaying her decision until later. That’s why she says, “Let’s discuss it further tomorrow.”
Eliz: I see.
Epstein: She understood my position, but she didn’t want to talk about it any more.
Eliz: Oh, now I understand. Thank you. (short pause)
Eliz: So, what did you do after your meeting with Ms. Graham?
Epstein: I called Mr. Blake at his hotel to confirm the meeting.
Eliz: Did you speak to him?
Epstein: No, I didn’t. I left a message on his voice mail.
Eliz: Let’s listen to that telephone call.

Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, quí vị theo dõi ông Epstein để lại lời nhắn trong máy điện thoại. To leave a message on the voice mail. Could you connect me with Mr. Charles Blake? Xin cho tôi nói chuyện với ông Charles Blake. [To connect=nối].
I’m sorry, but your party is not answering. Tôi tiếc là người ông muốn nói chuyện không trả lời máy điện thoại.
Party=person. The party (person) you are callling is not available at this time.=người ông gọi điện thoại nói chuyện không có mặt lúc này.
Please leave a message at the sound of the tone.=xin để lại lời nhắn khi nghe tiếng chuông.
Please hold=one moment, please=xin giữ máy chờ một chút.
Voice mail=máy ghi lời nhắn trong điện thoại, lời nhắn lại trong máy điện thoại. [Voice=giọng, lời; mail=thư.]
Confirm=xác nhận.


Dialog: Epstein leaving a message
Larry: Dialog
Mr. Epstein calls Mr. Blake’s hotel to leave a message.
Could you please connect me with Mr. Charles Blake? Xin cho tôi nói chuyện với Ông Charles Blake.
I’m sorry but your party is not answering. Tiếc là người ông muốn nói chuyện không trả lời máy điện thoại.
The person you are calling is not available at this time. Người ông gọi điện thoại không có mặt lúc này.
Please leave a message at the sound of the tone. Xin để lại lời nhắn khi nghe tiếng chuông.
Larry: Mr. Epstein calls Mr. Blake’s hotel to leave a message.
Receptionist: Embassy Suites Hotel.
Epstein: Yes, could you please connect me with Mr. Charles Blake?
Receptionist: Do you have his room number?
Epstein: No, I don’t.
Receptionist: One moment, please. (short pause)
Receptionist: I’m sorry but your party is not answering. Would you like to leave a message?
Epstein: Yes, please.
Receptionist: One moment and I’ll connect you to his voice mail. (short pause)
Recorded message: The person you are calling is not available at this time. Please leave a message at the sound of the tone.( Beep)
Epstein: This is Mike Epstein. I wanted to confirm your meeting with Ms. Graham, for tomorrow, Wednesday June 12. We will meet you at your hotel a few minutes after twelve, and we’ll have lunch together. I look forward to seeing you then. Good-bye.


Vietnamese Explanation

Xin nghe cách nói một ý bằng hai cách trong phần Variations.


Language Focus: Listen and Repeat: Variations
Larry: Variations. Listen to these variations.
Eliz: Could you please connect me with Mr. Charles Blake?
Larry: I’d like to speak to Mr. Charles Blake. (pause)
Eliz: I’m sorry but your party is not answering.
Larry: I’m sorry but there’s no one in the room. (pause)
Eliz: One moment, and I’ll connect you to his voice mail.
Larry: Please hold, and I’ll connect you to his voice mail. (pause)
Eliz: Please leave a message at the sound of the tone.
Larry: Please wait for the tone, and then leave your message. (pause)


Vietnamese Explanation

Tiếp theo là phần luyện nghe hiểu. Quí vị nghe một câu hỏi rồi nghe một mẩu đàm thoại trong đó có câu trả lời; rồi nghe lại câu hỏi và trả lời khi nghe tiếng chuông.


Language Focus: Questions Based on Dialog
Larry: Questions. Listen to the question.
Eliz: Does Mr. Epstein know Mr. Blake’s room number? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Receptionist: Embassy Suites Hotel.
Epstein: Yes, could you please connect me with Mr. Charles Blake?
Receptionist: Do you have his room number?
Epstein: No, I don’t.
Receptionist: One moment, please.
Eliz: Does Mr. Epstein know Mr. Blake’s room number? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: No, he doesn’t. (short pause)
Larry: Listen to the question.
Eliz: Is Mr. Blake in his room? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Receptionist: I’m sorry but your party is not answering. Would you like to leave a message?
Epstein: Yes, please.
Receptionist: One moment and I’ll connect you to his voice mail.
Eliz: Is Mr. Blake in his room? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: No, he isn’t. (short pause)

Vietnamese Explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài 69 trong Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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