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Dynamic english 46 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 46

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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Động bài 46 New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Bài học hôm nay bắt đầu bằng phần Culture Tips, mách giúp về văn hóa của Gary; sau đó là phần làm đủ câu bằng những chữ vừa học; tiếp theo là phần Đàm Thoại Hàng Ngày Daily Dialog và nghe Gary chỉ cách hỏi lại cho rõ (clarifying).

Extra services = các dịch vụ thêm.
Telephone calls = điện thoại.
Room service = dọn đồ ăn tận phòng cho khách.
Extra charges = trả thêm
= surcharges. Charges for local calls = trả thêm về những lần gọi điện thoại trong vùng.
Long distance calls = điện thoại viễn liên (gọi ra ngoài thành phố).
Snacks = đồ ăn đỡ đói như khoai tây rán khô, potato chips.
Refrigerators = tủ lạnh

Culture Tips: Payment for extra services

This Culture Tip is about extra services at hotels. Phần mách giúp về các dịch vụ thêm ở khách sạn. Hotels usually charge extra for services such as telephone calls and room service = Khách sạn thường bắt khách trả thêm cho những dịch vụ như điện thoại và dọn đồ ăn mang lên phòng.

a surcharge = tiền trả thêm
a local call = điện thoại gọi trong tỉnh
a long distance call = điện thoại gọi ra ngoài tỉnh hay tiểu bang hay ra xứ ngoài
Hotel policies are often written in a brochure = Qui luật của khách sạn thường được viết vào một tập bìa cứng


Larry: Culture Tips
Eliz: Welcome back everyone! We’re here once again with Gary Engleton, our expert on business and culture.
Gary: Hello everyone! How are you today, Elizabeth?
Eliz: Very well, thank you, Gary. I’m glad that you’re here because we have a very important e-mail question on hotel charges.
Gary: Really? What is it?
Eliz: One of our listeners writes: “Sometimes my hotel bill is larger than I expected.” “In the United States, what extra charges are there in hotels?”
Gary: That’s an excellent question. When you are staying in a hotel, it’s a good idea to ask a lot of questions about what is free and what has an extra charge. Extra charges are sometimes called surcharges. They are becoming more and more frequent.
Eliz: How do you find out about these extra charges?
Gary: The first thing that you should do is to look around the room for something written down. For example, there is sometimes information near the telephone about charges for local and long distance calls. If you can’t find anything in writing, you should definitely ask at the front desk.
Eliz: That’s a good idea! What other kinds of extra charges are there?
Gary: Well, for example, many hotels have drinks and snacks in small refrigerators. These are not free. Make sure you know how much everything costs before you drink or eat anything. And you can have food brought to your room. That’s called room service. It is usually fairly expensive. Look for a menu in the room that lists the prices.
Eliz: Are there any other surcharges to be careful of?
Gary: Well, some hotels offer movies in your room for an extra charge. And remember, tax will usually be added to the room charge. In some U.S. cities, this tax can be 15 per cent or even more. (short pause)
Gary: Well, I think that I’ve covered most of the extra charges. Other facilities like swimming pools, exercise equipment and even daily newspapers are usually free.
Eliz: Thanks Gary. That was extremely helpful.
Gary: I’m glad that I could help.



Trong phần tới quí vị nghe một câu còn thiếu một chữ, quí vị điền vào chỗ trống khi nghe tiếng chuông bằng một chữ đã học.


Language Focus: Sentence Completion
Larry: Sentence Completion
Larry: Listen. Complete the sentence.
Eliz: Extra charges at a hotel are sometimes called _____.(ding)(pause for answer)
Eliz: surcharges. They’re called surcharges.(short pause)
Eliz: A telephone call to someone in the same city is called _____.(ding)(pause for answer)
Eliz: a local call. It’s called a local call.(short pause)
Eliz: A telephone call to someone in a different state is called _____.(ding)(pause for answer)
Eliz: a long distance call. It’s called a long distance call.(short pause)



Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe phần Business Dialog nói về một cuộc đối thoại ở quầy ghi danh cho khách thuê phòng. Phần này dạy ta ách hỏi thêm cho rõ Clarifying.

Checking in = tới nhận phòng.
Checking out = trả phòng.
My goodness = trời đất


Business Dialog: At the check in desk
Larry: Business Dialog: Clarification
Chinese: Business Dialog: Clarification
We’ll listen to a person checking in at a hotel. =Chúùng ta nghe một người khách ghi danh thuê phòng đã dành trứớc.
A desk clerk = tiếp viên ở quầy trước khách sạn
I see you have a room reserved through April 4th. = Tôi thấy ông đã có phòng dành sẵn cho hết ngày mồng bốn tháng Tư.
Actually, I’ll be leaving on the morning of the 5th. = Thựïc ra tôi đi vào sáng mồng 5
Actually = as a matter of fact = đúng ra

Eliz: Let’s listen to today’s Business Dialog. We’ll hear a person checking in at a hotel. Ms. Peters is speaking with the desk clerk at the hotel.
Hotel lobby. =phòng đợi của khách
Desk clerk: Good evening, may I help you?
Ms. Peters: Yes, my name is Allison Peters. I have a reservation.
Desk clerk: Let me take a look.(SFX: Computer keyboard)
Desk clerk: Yes, I see you have a room reserved through April 4th.
Ms. Peters: Actually, I’ll be leaving on the morning of the 5th.
Desk clerk: Oh, really? I thought you told us you would be checking out on the 4th.
Ms. Peters: No, I believe I said I would be checking out on the 5th.Let me check my confirmation notice.(SFX: rustling of papers)
Ms. Peters: Here it is.(short pause)
Ms. Peters: Oh, my goodness, you’re right. Can I extend my stay through the 5th?
Desk clerk: That’s not a problem. I’ll change your reservation for you.
Ms. Peters: Thank you very much.
Desk clerk: You’re welcome.



Trong phần tới quí vị xem hai cách hỏi cùng một ý cho rõ (clarifying).


Focus on Functions: Clarifying
Larry: Focus on Functions: Clarifying
Eliz: Now let’s focus on clarifications.
Larry: Listen to these Variations.
Eliz: I see you have a room reserved through the 4th.
Larry: I see your reservation is through the 4th.(pause)
Eliz: Actually, I’ll be leaving on the morning of the 5th.
Larry: As a matter of fact, I’ll be leaving on the morning of the 5th.(pause)
Eliz: I thought you told us you would be checking out on the 4th.
Larry: I believe you said you would be checking out on the 4th.(pause)
Eliz: No, I believe I said I would be checking out on the 5th.
Larry: No, I think I said I would be checking out on the 5th.(pause)


Trong phần cuối bài học, chúng ta nghe Gary chỉ cho ta cách hỏi lại cho rõ.


Gary’s Tips: Clarifications
Larry: Gary’s Tips
Chinese: Gary’s Tips
Gary explains about the language function Clarification.
Gary cho ta biết cách hỏi lại cho rõ.
If you disagree with what a clerk or agent says, there are some polite ways to correct the person. = Nếu ta không đồng ý với người thư-ký giữ quầy trước, có vài cách nhã nhặn để sửa lỗi người ấy.
I believe I said I would be checking out on the 5th. = Tôi tin là tôi đã nói là tôi sẽ đi vào mồng 5.


Eliz: Welcome back. It’s time for Gary’s Tips. What’s your topic for today, Gary?
Gary: Today I’ll be talking about clarifications. Last week we talked about the importance of confirming information, especially information about plane and hotel reservations. It’s important to confirm, because sometimes a hotel clerk or a travel agent might have incorrect information. If you disagree with what the clerk or agent says, there are some polite ways to correct the person. This is called making a clarification.
One way to begin a clarification is to use the word “actually.”
Let’s listen again to part of the Business Dialog.
You’ll hear Ms. Peters clarifying that she is staying through April 5th.
Desk clerk: Good evening, may I help you?
Ms. Peters: Yes, my name is Allison Peters. I have a reservation.
Desk clerk: Let me take a look.(SFX: Computer keyboard)
Desk clerk: Yes, I see you have a room reserved through April 4th.
Ms. Peters: Actually, I’ll be leaving on the morning of the 5th.
Gary: Another polite way to make a clarification is to say “I believe.” Let’s listen again to the Business Dialog. Ms. Peters clarifies that she will be checking out on the 6th.
Desk clerk: Yes, I see you have a room reserved through April 4th.
Ms. Peters: Actually, I’ll be leaving on the morning of the 5th.
Desk clerk: Oh, really? I thought you told us you would be checking out on the 4th.
Ms. Peters: No, I believe I said I would be checking out on the 5th.
Gary: It turns out Ms. Peters is wrong about the dates of her reservation. But by being polite, Ms. Peters maintains a good relationship with the desk clerk and is able to change her reservation. So remember, it’s important to correct people if they have the wrong information about your reservations. But, it’s best to be polite when you make a clarification.
Well, that’s all we have time for today on Gary’s Tips. Thanks for joining us.
Eliz: Thanks very much, Gary.


Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!


Quí vị vừa học xong bài Anh Ngữ Sinh Động số 46 New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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