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Dynamic english 37 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 37

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Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 37. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả.

Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là phần Culture tips, hotel check in and check out, mách giúp về văn hóa, cách ghi tên khi vào nhận phòng và khi ra trả phòng khách sạn

Check in time = giờ nhận phòng (entering time) 12 giờ hay 1 giờ trưa.
Check out time = giờ trả phòng (leaving time) 11 giờ sáng hay 12 giờ trưa.
Each hotel has its own policy = mỗi khách sạn có qui luật riêng.
Let you in = cho vào
Charge = bắt trả tiền
An extra day = thêm một ngày
They might charge you for an extra day = họ có thể bắt ông phải trả thêm một ngày
Terrible = kinh khủng; tệ
The(hotel) lobby = phòng đợi ở khách sạn
Confirm = hỏi lại cho chắc

Ôn lại mấy chữ sẽ học trong phần tới:

Check in time = giờ nhận phòng
Check out time = giờ trả phòng
Make a reservation = giữ phòng trước = Reserve a room
Credit card = thẻ mua chịu
Can I charge it on my credit card ? = tôi có thể trả bằng thẻ mua chịu không?
A non-smoking room = phòng không hút thuốc lá
Room with a view = phòng nhìn ra cảnh bên ngoài
Good service = dịch vụ tốt, tiếp đãi lịch sự


Culture Tips: Hotel Check in and Check out.

Eliz: Hello, again. We're here with Gary Engleton, our business language expert. Let's look at our e-mail questions, Gary.
Gary: All right.
Eliz: We have some really interesting e-mail questions today.
Gary: Great! What are they?
Eliz: The first question is,";When I go to an American hotel, what time can I get into my room?”
Gary: Well, the entering time is called the check-in time. It's usually around noon or one o'clock.
Eliz: Noon or one, I see.
And the second question is,";What time do I have to leave my room the next day?”
Gary: Well, the time when you must leave is called the check out time.
It's often around eleven o'clock in the morning or noon. But each hotel has its own policy, so you really need to confirm both times when you make a reservation.
Eliz: That's a good idea.
Could there be a problem if you arrive too early?
Gary: Well, yes. If you arrive before the check-in time, they probably won't let you into your room. You'll have to wait in the lobby.
Eliz: Really!
Gary: Yes, and something worse could happen if you stay in our room after check out time.
Eliz: What!
Gary: They might charge you for an extra day!
Eliz: That would be terrible!
Gary: Yeah.
Eliz: Well, Gary, thanks for your helpful information.
Gary: I'm always glad to help.


Vietnamese explanation

Tiếp theo đây là phần Sentence Completion, làm đầy đủ câu bằng mấy chữ vừa học. Quí vị nghe một câu thiếu một chữ. Khi nghe tiếng chuông, quí vị hãy điền vào chỗ trống bằng một chữ vừa học. Rồi khi nghe câu trả lời đúng, quí vị hãy lập lại.


Language Focus: Sentence completion.

Larry: Sentence Completion.
Larry: Listen. Complete the sentence.
Eliz: The time you can enter your hotel room is ______.
(ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: The check-in time.
The entering time is called the check-in time.
(short pause) Eliz: You must leave your room before_______.
(ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: The check-out time.
The leaving time is called the check-out time.


Vietnamese explanation

Tiếp theo đây là phần Business Dialog: Making a Hotel Reservation. Đàm thoại về thương mại, cách giữ phòng trước ở khách sạn. Trong phần này chúng ta sẽ nghe một nhà kinh doanh (businessman) đang gọi điện thoại giữ phòng trước ở một khách sạn.

A non-smoking room = phòng không hút thuốc lá
A credit card = thẻ mua chịu, thẻ tín dụng
I'd like to make a reservation from August 20th through the 22nd, please = tôi muốn giữ phòng trước từ ngày 20 đến hết 22 tháng tám
Could I have a non-smoking room, please? = Xin cho tôi phòng không hút thuốc lá
To make a reservation = to reserve a room = giữ phòng trước
How may I direct your call? = ông muốn gọi cho ai?
Just for myself = cho riêng tôi thôi
Travel on business = du-lịch vì công chuyện
Reservations, please = xin cho tôi nhân viên phụ trách giữ phòng trước
Available = còn trống


Business Dialog: Making a Hotel Reservation.

Eliz: Let's listen to today's Business Dialog. We'll hear a businessperson making a hotel reservation.

Operator: Hilton Hotel. How may I direct your call?
Powers: Reservations, please.
Operator: Just a moment, please.
Receptionist: Reservations. How may I help you?
Powers: Good morning. I'd like to make a reservation for August 20th through the 22nd, please.
Receptionist: How many people?
Powers: Just for myself. I'm traveling on business.
Receptionist: Just a moment, please. Yes, I have several rooms available on those nights.
Powers: Could I have a non-smoking room, please?
Receptionist: A non-smoking room...Certainly. That room is $125 a night.
Powers: That will be fine. Can I put that it on my credit card?
Receptionsit: Yes, of course.


Vietnamese explanation

Tiếp sau đây là phần Focus on Functions: Requests; chú trọng về những cách dùng chữ như I'd like...Can I...Could I...khi yêu cầu một điều gì. Xin nghe rồi lập lại.


Larry: Focus on functions: Requests.
Eliz: Now let's focus on Requests.
Larry: Listen and Repeat.
Eliz: I'd like to make a reservation, please.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: I'd like to stay for three days.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Can I pay by credit card, please? (pause for repeat)
Could I have a non-smoking room, please. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Tiếp sau đây là phần hướng dẫn của Gary Engleton về cách yêu cầu nhã nhặn = How to make requests.

A polite request = lời yêu cầu nhã nhặn
Impolite = thiếu nhã-nhặn
Thí dụ:
Could I make a reservation, please? = Xin cho tôi giữ phòng trước
I'd like to have non-smoking room, please = tôi muốn phòng không hút thuốc
I would like to put that on my credit card, please = Tôi muốn trả tiền phòng bằng thẻ mua chịu
Can I put that on my credit card? = Tôi trả bằng thẻ tín dụng được không?

a single room = phòng một người
a double room = phòng hai người
a discount = bớt, giảm giá
request a discount = xin bớt
a room on the ground floor = phòng dưới đất
a room with a view = phòng nhìn ra cảnh bên ngoài


Larry: Gary's tips. Eliz: Now it's time for Gary's Tips with Gary Engleton.
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth! Today I'll be talking about how to make requests.
Whenever you call to make a hotel reservation, you'll be asking for many things. For example, you might ask for a single room or a double room. You may want a smoking room or a non-smoking room, a room on the ground floor or a room with a view. Sometimes you might want to request a discount. Whenever you are requesting something, you'll want to do it in a polite way. Let's listen to the request in today's Business Dialog.
First, Ms. Powers asks to reserve a room.

Listen to her request beginning with “I'd like.”

Receptionist: Reservations. How may I help you?
Powers: Good morning. I'd like to make a reservation for August 20th through the 22nd, please.
Gary: Notice that Ms. Powers says,";I'd like a make a reservation.”
Saying,";I'd like” or “I would like” is a polite way to make a request.
Ms. Powers also asks for a non-smoking room.
Notice how Ms. Powers starts her request with “Could.”

Let's listen.

Receptionist: Just a moment, please.
Yes, I have several rooms available on those nights.
Powers: Could I have a non-smoking room, please?
Gary: Now let's listen to Ms. Powers asking to pay by credit card.
Notice that she begins her request with “Can I.”
Powers: That will be fine. Can I put that on my credit card?
Receptionist: Yes, of course.
Gary: Beginning requests with “I would like,” or “Can,” or “Could” are all polite ways to make requests.

Now let's hear a request that isn't so polite.

Receptionist: Reservations, may I help you?
Powers. Yes. Give me a room for March 21st through March 22nd, please.
Receptionist: I beg your pardon?
Gary: This time, the woman sounded a little impolite.

She said,";Give me a room, please.”

Even though she said “please,” she sounded impolite because she was too direct.
It's more polite to say,";I would like a room, please.”
I hope today's tips were helpful!
Thanks for joining us for Gary's Tips. We'll see you again next time!
Eliz: Thanks, Gary!


Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!

Vietnamese explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài 37 trong chương trình Anh ngữ sinh động New dynamic english. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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